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COVID-19: What Businesses are Saying



COVID-19 is having a profound impact on all of our lives. Medical professionals and hospitals are being stretched to the limits and everyone is making huge adjustments to their lives to save others. Who knew we would live in a time when the wisest advice for everyone to follow is simply to do nothing? Stay home, stay away from others, and wait it all out. 

While we’re all doing our part to keep everyone safe and healthy, small businesses are seeing a profound shift in how they do business, if they even can. “Business as usual” is out. Innovation and outside of the box thinking is in. At Dock Line, we work with small businesses every day to help them be seen in their communities and to grow. We’ve been hearing from them about their struggles and their successes during this strange, uncertain time. 

In this article, we wanted to invite you in on the conversation and let you hear straight from the business owners and managers how they’re handling all of this. As you’ll see, some are finding a way to thrive by making adjustments, while others are having a more difficult time. Both messages are important, and we want you to know what’s going on out there and how we can help our local businesses make it through together. 

Bloomin’ Blinds

How a Family-Owned Franchise has Adapted to Customers 

Although Coronavirus has hampered the economy, that hasn’t stopped this family-owned franchise. Bloomin’ Blinds in Montgomery County is run by Dallas Schultz with his father Dave and they have found creative ways to still reach customers while practicing social distancing, “We use conferencing software to do virtual consulting on custom blinds, shades, and plantation shutters sales. Customers call us and we ask them a few questions about their windows, their lighting requirements, their privacy goals, and their budget.” says Dave. From there, they set up a virtual consultation appointment in which they send an email that will help customers with correct measurements of their windows, and preparation for the virtual conference. During the consultation, they will use photos and videos to make their recommendation on what’s best for your home, and the materials needed. Within 24 hours you will have a written quote for your new blinds.

Before ordering materials though they still need to have an in-home visit, however, much of the work is done beforehand. Most in-house appointments are fairly quick and extreme precaution is used,” We take the health of our customers and family seriously. Expect to see us wearing masks, gloves, using hand sanitizer, and wiping down what is being handled.” The reason for an in-home visit is so the blinds can be tailor-made for your home. Even in this time of uncertainty, you don’t have to settle for less with Bloomin’ Blinds. In addition, if you choose Bloomin’ Blinds for your business you’re also helping out Texas manufacturers “We primarily use many of the Texas manufacturers of window coverings. They employ Texans and buy much of what they need from other Texas businesses. All this money mostly stays in Texas, helping hundreds of Texas families all across the state.”

As I talked with Bloomin’ Blind’s Dave Schultz he did have a word of caution for those buying custom products. When asking for a deposit most companies should charge you 50% of the total cost. This is a sign of a healthy business as most manufacturers require you to have a deposit put down by the dealer before they will accept the order. That 50% helps cover the costs of producing the materials and fill the order faster. As Dave puts it, “All parties have equal skin in the game, and that’s why 50% is the norm. Experience shows me that businesses who are experiencing serious financial problems will start to require deposits of 60% and as even high as 75%. That is too much. There is little motivation for them to expedite the install.”

Before going with a custom blinds installer, make sure to do your due diligence and research your options. The owners of Bloomin’ Blinds have learned that adapting to customer’s needs, taking safety precautions, and being upfront about pricing has helped them move forward. Even though times are tough, they have found local their business and local community ready to take on this threat.

To get a quote for your windows, contact them at (936) 236-6800, or reach out to them at their website at  

The Lawn Ranger Company

Being Proactive

The Lawn Ranger Company has been deemed an essential business, but that hasn’t made things easy during this crisis. Activities have slowed down for all businesses, but the local Lawn Ranger Company is making some headway during this crisis “We are being proactive with customers, making phone calls and reaching out to clients,” says, president Walt Crowder. “Right now we are focused on providing extra services at good prices,” with offices still open for business Walt isn’t limiting any options on jobs, tackling both commercial and residential jobs. An important lesson in this crisis is the ability to change and help customers where they are. You need to engage the customer on how you can complete the task without risking any more lives. That means you have to change how customers interact with you.

Walt and his crew are still working on landscaping services such as preparing for summertime, treating shrubs and gardens for insects and pests, or putting in irrigation systems. “Our crews are out working trying to provide a service at a rapid pace so workers and customers stay out of harm’s way.” Although business is not the same as a normal year, Walt has calming advice that he gives to everyone, including his workers, “This is a rough time, what we are going through is unprecedented, and what other small businesses are going through is unprecedented, however, we must pull together and weather the storm.” Only by helping each other out, using social distancing at work, and buying local can Texans get through this. 

Walt and his team are dedicated to reaching customers where they are. Whether that means you consult with The Lawn Ranger Company online, on a call, or on a video chat, Walt and his team want to help you achieve the lawn you have always wanted. They can do this while staying safe by following the CDC’s guidelines which will protect your family as well.  Don’t hesitate to send pictures and use your phone to communicate without exposing yourself to the virus.

If you would like to reach out to The Lawn Ranger Company contact them by phone at 281-681-1025. You can also contact them at

Stage Right of Texas

The show must go on!

Live theatre is always better to see in person, and every night is different. Due to the Coronavirus though, Stage Right of Texas, a resident theatre company at the Crighton Theater, has had to make some changes. Since gatherings of more than ten people have been banned they have had to postpone their production of Mash until June 2021. “People have understood and accepted our decision to postpone,” says Carolyn Corsano Wong. 

However, that hasn’t stopped preparing them for the future. Stage Right still has a show coming this July, Peter Pan, which has required some thoughtful solutions on how to prepare for this upcoming production. With auditions coming in April, Stage Right has switched to having both auditions online and rehearsals online. Possible participants in the show will submit video auditions on their website “We have had to adapt and be flexible due to the uncertainty.” Carolyn still had a lot of positivity about adapting to this new normal though, “What’s the point of getting stressed out when you have no control over it?” It’s about adapting to the circumstances the best someone can.

Years of experience in the acting arena have taught Carolyn and her team how to deal with the difficulties this virus brings, “It’s a lot like theater and Improv, whatever happens just go with it.” Even though there is a lot of uncertainty in the future this company is adapting to any problem just like they would with any other show. For the future, Carolyn said her team is exploring working online and giving classes online to customers.

When asked how best to support Stage Right, she didn’t keep the discussion only focused on the theatre company but also the Crighton Theatre. Carolyn noted “For our organization, we are in good shape in the fact that when we are not at the Crighton Theatre so we don’t have to pay rent, so who this is actually hurting the most in our line of work is the theatre itself. They still have expenses to pay.” Carolyn also noted that if people wanted to support local theatre they should donate to the Crighton Theatre. She also touched on some of the things this whole process has shown her “It can also be hard to see the beautiful things, but people are helping others, we are dependent on each other, and it is important that we take care of each other.”

Most importantly, Carolyn is looking forward to when we can all sit down to a great night of theatre. If you would like to learn more about Stage Right contact them at their website at or on their Facebook page @stagerightoftexas. Don’t forget to check out Peter Pan this July!

Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas

A community that cares

The Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas are busier than ever, “Unfortunately, many people are dumping dogs because of the pandemic” says Ruby Cross, marketing coordinator. The amount of animals that are now in their foster care system has nearly doubled to the impact of Coronavirus. “Our biggest goal during this time is to take in as many as we can to make sure these animals are safe,” and the team at ASVT has found unique ways to accomplish this. Taking more of their services online and processing more applications than ever before. ASVT is a network of volunteers that are committed to seeing animals taken care of even during a crisis. Although it takes a bit more time and effort, ASVT is still scheduling meetings and fostering using social distancing guidelines. 

What is important right now, is that the community comes together, like they have been, with fostering and monetary donations. “As animals come in and need surgery, we make sure they get that operation,” says Ruby. “We are non-profit and monetary donations are going to save the lives of countless animals during this crisis.” You can also help in other ways, by emailing ASVT at their website and seeing how best to help with supplies and other items. “It’s business as usual for us during this time because we have to stay on top of this,” says Ruby.

In addition, ASVT is still helping with the Montgomery Animal Shelter and placing animals from that facility into foster homes. Unlike during normal operations, they can’t ship dogs to facilities in Iowa to be adopted which is putting a strain on the shelter. Fostering and donations are a key step you can take to help mitigate some of the repercussions of this virus.

One of the good things about this situation is that Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas is seeing a record number of adoption and fostering applications during this time. “We would like to thank the community for their patience during this time, as people have submitted applications we have been working on processing them nine hours a day.” Part of the reason is because of the background information required to adopt and to make sure the pet is going to a responsible owner. More importantly, fostering is the best way to help ASVT and animals. “Fostering saves lives,” says Ruby. It’s a better process for making sure these dogs are safe during this time because it is temporary.

ASVT does not have its own shelter and is not affiliated with any facility, although they will help shelters find foster homes when they can. If you would like to get in touch with ASVT contact them at or on Facebook @ASVTx. You can be part of this on-going rescue effort today!

Forest Crossing Animal Hospital

Keep Moving Forward

Keep moving forward is the vision for Forest Crossing Animal Hospital. Deemed an essential business, this highly rated animal hospital in Montgomery County is still facing the challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Bzozowski, the owner of Forest Crossing Animal Hospital is very aware of the effects on his industry, “In my profession, the challenge is simply staying open. A lot of veterinarians, even though we are considered essential, aren’t able to stay open just because the business isn’t there.” He added, “Some of them just don’t want to take the risk.” Risk is something every business is dealing with head-on. Even essential businesses have to adjust how they do things in order to be available to their customers. Dr. Brzozwski understands this better than most. “I’m a high-risk person myself, being a diabetic, but I have a duty to be here for my patients as well.”

As to how they are adapting, their approach is a familiar one. “We’ve gone to curbside, essentially. People aren’t allowed in the building. We do everything as remotely as we can over the phone, collecting the patients from the vehicles, bringing them in, doing the exams and the treatments we need to do, then bringing them back out to them.” said Dr. Brzozowski. And they are also taking innovative measures to reach their customers such as telemedicine and video conference via an app.

Dr. Brzozwoski has some timely wisdom for pet owners during this uncertain time. “Don’t put things off. Don’t wait until your pets are really sick, then it adds to the cost.”, he also added, “Don’t get behind on your rabies vaccines and parasite testing and prevention.”

When asked what advice he would give to other business owners right now, his message is that of a seasoned medical professional – prevention and preparation are the keys. “For businesses, save as much as you can and be as cost-effective as possible. Also, stay up to date on and in the loop on programs available to small businesses.” And perhaps most importantly, “Stay up to date on the most accurate news.” Lastly, he wants to leave business owners with this: “Listen to your clients and keep them informed. At the end of the day, they are the ones who are actually paying that electric bill and insurance bill. If they aren’t happy, then that doesn’t happen.”

If you would like to get in touch with the staff at Forest Crossing Animal Hospital you can reach them at 936-271-9300, or online at

Thomas Stark, MD

Still here for patients

Thomas Stark, MD is an established and respected ENT doctor in our area. As a medical professional, he is taking the COVID-19 situation very seriously. He and his team are also taking the necessary precautions to keep people safe, but most importantly, they are doing everything they can to be available to patients. “The main thing we have done is we kept our doors open.” Said Dr. Stark, “And we are emphasizing hygiene in all our waiting areas and all our exam rooms.” 

Most importantly, they are limited contact with people and are utilizing advancements in medical care by expanding the proactive outside of the walls of the Doctor’s office. “Of course, we are screening patients over the phone. We are offering a lot of advice and seeing patients over the telephone. Telemedicine is becoming more and more popular because you may be able to treat someone without them having to go to the hospital.” With telemedicine, people can stay in touch with their doctor more often, which will help with preventative measures and keeping patients healthy. Insurance companies love this because it keeps people from having to visit a hospital in some cases, and keeps people from taking a hospital bed during this critical time.

As a medical professional, Dr. Stark is quick to put the focus on the people doing the heavy lifting right now in the medical professions. “My hats are off to the ICU, respiratory therapists, and frontline doctors.”

If you want to know how you can support businesses like Dr. Starks, the advice is simple: “Continue to think of us, and realize that we are open and seeing patients.” So many people are forced to shut their doors, but it’s important to know who is still open and available to help. With all the media surrounding the COVID-19 situation, Dr. Stark added a strong word of caution. “Don’t take this lightly”. He adds, “It doesn’t make everyone have the same outcome, but it needs to be taken seriously.” 

Many people have now seen Dr. Fauci, the medical professional accompanying President Trump. Dr. Stark has first-hand experience with him. “I’ve worked personally with Dr. Fauci. He is a smart guy who is calm under fire. He’s seen worse.” Basically, he wants us to know that Dr. Fauci knows what he’s talking about and should be trusted. 

Finally, Dr. Stark has some helpful advice for businesses during this time. He says, “It looks to me that being able to get money from the SBA is helpful.” And also, “Try to be there as much as possible over the phone. Keep your presence known to people.” 

If you would like to get into contact with Dr. Stark call (936) 582-7000 or find them online at

Connect Hearing

Flexible Healthcare

Connect Hearing is staying open for essential workers and emergency services. “What we have been doing,” says Lauren Chapman, marketing associate, “is making sure our appointments are by emergency only.” That means they care for essential workers and emergency employees such as healthcare workers. “We also have a focused goal on increasing sanitation in our facilities for our customers.” When you step into a Connect Hearing facility you will be treated to a clean and sterile environment. Customers can feel safe knowing that people are following CDC safety guidelines as appropriate and surfaces and counters are being cleaned.

For those essential employees who do not want to come into the facility, but still need to see a medical professional Connect Hearing is offering Telehealth services. “Options and appointments are available online to patients and they can take advantage of our online resources.” Customers don’t have to wait to get in contact with someone about their medical issues.  “We want customers to feel and stay safe during this time, we are here for them during this time,” says Lauren Chapman. Connect Hearing encourages customers to not hesitate to call their local Connect Hearing facility and to work through problems. The team at Connect Hearing is focused on providing services how you need it and meeting the needs of their patients.

As a last note, when asked about how they plan to change for the future and how other companies can as well they found it best to “Be flexible in the services you provide, always have an alternative to turn to if you can.” As this pandemic has spread, Connect Hearing is finding new ways to correspond with patients to protect their health. You will still be able to find the same care you always have at Connect Hearing, the process may just be a little different to protect yourself. 

If you would like to find out more about Connect Hearing or schedule an appointment you can find them online at You can also contact them at 1-888-426-6632. Feel free to take advantage of their blog and advice resources to help you with your ear care needs.

Everest Siding and Windows

Adjustment is key

“Doing business is not the same as it was two months ago,” says Doini at Everest Siding and Windows. “Our main concern is making sure our employees are safe and can support their families during this crisis.” Everest Siding and Windows is still offering in-home consultations. However, that means they are taking every precaution to protect both the customer and employee. “We can have that meeting at the customer’s home, but we will be practicing social safety guidelines and conducting consultations over the phone as well.” You can also email them pictures of your home, and they will send you an estimate by email.

When you meet with their consultants, they are going to use social distancing guidelines and sanitization methods to keep you and your family safe. “We are still going to be able to give the customer the information they need to make the best decision for their home. We are going to do that from a safe distance though, whether over the phone, over email, or in-person.” In addition, most employees that usually work in the office are working from home to protect themselves and others. You can still contact them at any time, and any of your questions can be answered by an employee over the phone. “Everyone has responsibilities,” says Doini, “and all of our employees understand that.”

For those interested in carrying out a remodel or special project during this time, Everest Siding and Windows are offering 3-month and 6-month no interest, no payment, finance options. When you consult with one of Everest’s experts, you can plan accordingly to your budget and payment options. Everest is committed to working with customers through this crisis, bringing exceptional materials and experience when they come to work on your home. 

“I can’t think of one person in this country that hasn’t been affected by this virus, but we will persevere” added Doini. “Be safe and stay strong!” If you are interested in a special project for your home, you can contact Everest Siding and Windows at 832-773-8221. You can also reach them at or their website at

Wootton Financial Group, Inc.

Preparation for risk is more important now than ever.

We live in an uncertain time, full of many unknowns and even more risks. When it comes to handling risk, Wootton Financial Group, Inc. is no stranger. In fact, the financial management group thrives on managing risk for its clients. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are already experiencing the effects of the financial crisis it has caused. While most people panic when it comes to their investments like retirement, Wootton Financial is a voice of wisdom and hope. 

When asked how they are handling these sudden uncertain times, Chris Wootton, owner, and Principal and Investment Adviser at Wootton Financial Group, gives a simple, yet powerful response: 

“Executing the plan that we already had in place. We were already prepared for this.” After all, the trusted financial group is a strong advocate for education and preparation. So, during this time, rather than shrinking back waiting out the storm, they are pushing forward. “We increased communication both to clients and the community. We increased our marketing rather than scaling back. We want to thrive, not just survive and we want that for others” Chris added.

When it comes to running their own business during the quarantine, Chris Wootton again speaks of preparation. “We already were prepared by having the technological ability to operate remotely. Every employee was set up so that we maintain our security protocols, but can work from anywhere. We had been doing video conferencing already for years.”  Chris admits that technology always presents several challenges, but they have been at the forefront of finding innovative ways to give their clients and employees the best possible experience. 

Especially during economic uncertainty, it’s important to understand that not all financial offices are the same. “We have a much more dynamic approach to managing risk for our clients compared to the static approach most companies are used to. We are not afraid to exit markets in a disciplined approach when necessary, instead of holding everything and riding it to the bottom. Seeking to avoid bear market losses in your investment can add long term value to what you’re doing.” By employing this strategy, Wootton invests actively and seeks to provide a better benefit for its clients in the long run. 

“It is important for people to understand that the markets won’t go up forever and it’s easy to get complacent,” Chris says. “A bull market cannot run forever. We have always had a mindset focused on preparation for times like these. It’s only a matter of time for markets to level out and correct.” More importantly, he adds, “The time to get prepared is not during a crisis. It’s beforehand. But you’re here now. So focus on what you can do now to make positive changes for next time. And there will be a next time.”

So, what should you do right now to help mitigate your financial risk? Get a plan. Chris points out, “It doesn’t cost you anything to have a conversation with us. You don’t even have to go anywhere. We can meet over the phone or through online capability. We offer a complimentary consultation that includes a high-level review and an initial plan to show you what’s possible and try to offer value on the front end of a relationship ”

Lastly, Chris imparts some simple, yet timely wisdom, “Have faith. Be hopeful. Stay safe. Be smart. There is always opportunity in adversity.”

To offer you encouragement during these uncertain times, Chris Wootten is inviting you to attend a Free Webinar featuring Olympian Ruben Gonzalez titled “From Surviving to Thriving: Addressing Mental Toughness and Risk in Tough Times.” Watch it for free on the Wootton Financial Facebook Page or on You can also get a hold of Wootton Financial Group, Inc. at 866-416-1703 or 936-449-5952.

Office Evolution

Evolve Your Business

Located in the fairly new Marcel Town Center in Conroe, Office Evolution is finding creative ways to deal with the changes brought on by COVID-19. A popular co-working and private office rental company in Conroe, Office Evolution is stepping up to help other businesses during these tough times. 

“We’re reaching out to the community as much as we can,” says Phil Anderson, one fo the franchise owners at The Woodlands location. “We’re supporting our restaurants right here in the Marcel Town Center by ordering from them and keeping them supported. We also formed a small support group with the tenants to work together in terms of marketing and things like that.”

Office Evolution already has a focus on supporting small businesses with their approach to office space. Now, they’re reaching beyond the walls of the office to help the local community where they can. And that starts with encouraging everyone to sport their local businesses however possible. 

“Order from your favorite local restaurant,” says Phil. “If you’re locked down, follow your businesses online.” He adds. With many companies with retail locations unable to serve their customers in their buildings, they are innovating and finding new ways to reach their customers. 

Delta Life Fitness, one of the fellow tenants of the Marcel Town Center, for instance, are offering workouts online. Phil is encouraging its customers to join in.  

As far as Office Evolution, they’re doing what they can to support their members, and even new tenant prospects. “We’re still open from 10-2. We are also meeting with people by appointment only (one-at-a-time) so as to limit social interaction.” They are also helping to accommodate their members while abiding by the social distancing protocols in place. They are even helping out their “virtual” members, who would normally only have access to a common work area. “Even if you’re a virtual member, we can accommodate you. We have enough rooms to allow you to use a private office right now. You can come in for a day only if needed. We’re offering private offices for daily, weekly, or monthly right now.” says Phil.

As far as advice to their customers, and everyone else dealing with the uncertainty we’re in, Phil offers this advice: “We know that this it’s a trying time. Lots of things are changing right now. Our members are part of our family. We are working with them 24/7 and reaching out to them to help how we can. Most importantly, make sure you know your fellow tenants. Get to know your neighbors. They can be a wealth of support during this time.”

Learn more about Office Evolution at

Hello Beautiful Boutique

Being there for our neighbors

Although the doors of Hello Beautiful Boutique are closed that doesn’t mean business has stopped. “Customers still have access to our online shopping and can have any of our store’s items shipped right to their home” states Judy Burks, the owner. Judy and her crew are also not opposed to curbside pickup as she recounted in one story “as one of our crew members was a closing shop a lady pulled up asking for some laundry detergent, using social distancing and sanitization, our crew member was able to help her get the laundry detergent she searched all over to find.” That type of customer service is expected and encouraged at the Hello Beautiful Boutique (HBB). In fact, during this time HBB is offering free shipping on all purchases made online.  

When asked about her customers Judy said: “let them know that we are praying for all of them, and we do appreciate the loyalty from customers who are shopping online, and God will get us through this.” Judy and her team are looking forward to when they can open their doors and want to make sure customers know they will be there for any needs they have.

After 46 years in the business, Judy also has some advice for any that are experiencing a rough time “a business is only as successful as the people your surround yourself with, and because of their hard work we have been able to continue to keep paying our employees.” This is the time to invest in families, to help each other out. Surround yourself and your business with people that want to have success by pulling others up rather than tearing them down. Judy wanted to stress to businesses to keep their employees because we will get through this only by treating each other with kindness.

If you would like to purchase an item you can order online at If you have an item that you need today or want help navigating the online store you can contact Michelle (a store worker) at 936-442-0025, Robin (store manager) at 936-718-8093, or Judy herself at 936-443-9614. Hello Beautiful Boutique wants you to know that they are still working to make sure you have the best customer service!   

Greater Houston Pediatric Dentistry, PLLC 

Do Your Part to Stay Safe

Like most small businesses right now, Greater Houston Pediatric Dentistry is facing its own set of challenges. Although they are considered an essential business, the local dental practice is making huge adjustments to the way they do business. Safety is their biggest concern. “We are struggling with simply being closed for business and not knowing when we can safely open.” Says Dentist Linh Luu. She adds, “As dentists, we work in the airway on a daily basis. Currently, we can only see life-threatening emergency cases, which is very minimal considering that our profession is at the highest risk.” 

It’s not just the safety involved with dental procedures that makes it difficult for Greater Houston Pediatric Dentistry to practice. As we’re seeing in many other places in our nation, safety supplies are not readily available. Dr. Luu explains, “In addition, with the incredible shortages in supplies, we do not have and cannot obtain the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to allow us to safely see patients.”

When asked how people could support their local business, Dr. Luu’s focus is not on their specific business, but on the entire community. “Please stay home and do your part to flatten the curve,” she says. “Please take this seriously and listen to medical advice and leadership. Your actions affect others. If we all do our part now, we can all get back to normalcy sooner and all businesses can open again.” 

“We are doing our part by seeing only emergencies to keep our team safe and to keep children out of the ER for dental issues.” Says Dr. Luu. Others should take the same approach. Even if you are considered essential, safety is still more important than ever. The best thing you can to prevent from getting sick is perhaps the most common, and often neglected advice out there: “Eat balanced meals, exercise, and remember to brush and floss!”

Lastly, Dr. Luu imparts some simple, profound wisdom to all of us. “Stay safe and be kind to each other. We will all get through this.”

Learn more about Greater Houston Pediatric Dentistry at

or by phone at 936-703-2131.

Stone Creek Wellness & Medical Aesthetics

Learning to come back stronger than ever

Unfortunately, Stone Creek Wellness & Medical Aesthetics has been mandated to close till April 30th due to Coronavirus. Even though Linda Teague and her crew want to help customers they have taken this step to protect themselves in their employees. That hasn’t stopped them from planning and preparing “We are watching Webinars on new and current services and products. When we are able to open again we would love to have new or better techniques or products to offer our clients!” says Linda Teague. Health and wellness don’t need to wait during this time, in fact, it should be one of your top priorities. During the stress of Coronavirus make sure you are taking moments to adjust to this new normal and take care of yourself.

During this time of uncertainty Stone Creek Wellness & Medical Aesthetics wants customers to know they value the relationships of their customers. Linda and her team want everyone to stay well and stay healthy. When asked about her customers Linda noted “Our clients are already being very supportive! Many have pre-purchased services, which we have offered at special pricing.” If you are interested in any products, Stone Creek is offering 20% off on all online purchases and is including free shipping.

The most important detail Linda wanted to highlight is her thanks to the community “We miss all of you terribly and want to thank you for your continued support during these uncertain times! We know this time will pass and look forward to squeezing you all in soon!” Whether you are a first time customer or a long-standing user of their products Stone Creek does not disregard you or your family. It has, and will continue to be, an honor to serve you with quality care and service.

If you would like to check out any products Stone Creek Wellness & Medical Aesthetics can be found at You can also get in contact with Linda at,  or by text at 936-203-0429.

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