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Dental Bites: Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Dental implants are an option for replacing missing or badly decayed teeth. A dental implant offers comfort and stability and, by virtue of the artificial tooth it supports, is a restoration that is the closest thing to a natural tooth.

     What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are manufactured “anchors” that look like screws. They are made of titanium and other materials that are well suited to the human body.

Treatment generally is a three part process that takes several months.

Increased Insurance Coverage

More dental insurance companies are covering some of the cost of implant treatment. An implant with a crown is usually about the same cost as a three-unit bridge, but statistically it lasts much longer. No wonder insurance companies are changing their attitude towards implants. Also, when patients have fewer out-of-pocket expenses, they are more likely to accept implant treatment

      Who is a good candidate for implants?

You are, if you’re in good health, have healthy gums and adequate bone to support an implant. You must be committed to thorough oral hygiene to keep your mouth healthy and to scheduling regular dental visits. Ask your dentist if implants are an option for you.

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