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Not Another Fad Diet

How Healthy Figures Houston is helping people successfully lose the weight and keep it off

Do you find yourself looking in the mirror or down at the scale and not happy with what you see? Has your favorite pair of jeans betrayed you by not wanting to zip up? Are you shocked by your weekly pill box no longer being able to contain all of your prescriptions? So many of us have found ourselves here. Lost. Guilt-ridden. Questioning ourselves. “How did I get here?” So often these feelings trigger us to grab that bag of Cheetos, or a row of Oreos or a pint of Blue Bell. We get caught in this unhealthy cycle. We don’t want to be here, but we have “tried everything” and haven’t found an answer. But what if this time was different?

Healthy Figures Houston is a weight loss clinic and treatment center dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle and creating an environment for your success. Owner Theresa Grider and her knowledgeable staff are there to support and encourage you every step of the way. With their medically supervised programs, either with Appetite Suppressant (prescription only) or a Holistic Approach (all natural) which uses specifically designed Amino Acids to help curb your appetite, you can expect excellent results.

What makes the Healthy Figures plans different from other weight loss programs is that the staff offers one-on-one counseling and continuous support encouraging you every step of the way. They have cultivated a warm, relaxed environment that is inviting rather than intimidating. From the moment you walk in you are greeted by Lorraine Gengo at the front desk and are well taken care of by the Medical Director, Dr. Awobokun, and Nurse Practitioner, Tina Spruell. 

One social media reviewer said, “If you are looking for a place to help you lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle, look no further. This place is amazing! The staff truly care about you and provide encouragement and guidance every step of your journey.” 

Countless other reviews echo this sentiment and when told about the praise and acclaim, Theresa teared up and spoke about how much she appreciates each client and how they have impacted her life as well. 

In September of 2010, Theresa visited her sister and brother-in-law in East Texas and was astounded by the seemingly miraculous weight loss of her brother-in-law. He went from hardly being able to walk a few feet without getting winded, unable to help maintain their 50 acres and care for their livestock, to being up helping feed the animals and 30 pounds lighter, all in about a month. She returned home and immediately joined her local Healthy Figures franchise. 

Now the owner and operator of Healthy Figures Houston, Theresa is a testament to the success of this program. 

“Within four months, I was off all my medicine. Three kinds of blood pressure meds, cholesterol meds and nitro for chest pains… I lost 136 pounds the first year. This plan saved my life! And it’s easy. It’s just eating healthy foods, knowing what foods to eat and when,” said Theresa.

Healthy Figures boasts about their many supplements that give you natural energy, boost your metabolism, combat weight loss plateaus and food cravings.

“We have all kinds of supplements and have kept the prices as low as possible. Of course you can lose weight without them, but they just make it a lot easier and a lot faster,” explained Theresa.

So many people, men and women of all different ages have benefitted from this program, seeing weight melt away and medications rendered unnecessary, all because they have beaten it with nutrition.

“I think the fact that they lose weight so quickly and so easily is the biggest surprise of all,” says Theresa. “And once I can convince them to drink a gallon of water a day then they’re really surprised. Water makes such a difference in your life. It flushes all the toxins out and you drop weight like crazy!”

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans have been social distancing themselves and staying home. No longer as active and more prone to stress eating, many have packed on extra weight and embraced unhealthy habits. Jokes about gaining the “Quarantine 15” are circulating social media sites. Though we may try to laugh it off, we all know the long-term effects of stress and stress related weight gain can be detrimental to both our waistline and overall health. 

Since reopening, the Healthy Figures Houston community is growing. Friends and relatives who have seen amazing results are returning and referring others to try out the programs that have helped them reach their weight loss goals. 

“Past customers are coming back because they want to take control over this and one thing they can manage is what they put into their bodies, and not let stress hormones take control and make them gain the weight back,” said Nurse Practitioner Tina Spruell. 

If you are looking to have more energy, get in shape, lose pounds and inches, and be healthy again, all while feeling supported and championed, contact Healthy Figures Houston at (281) 298-2599 or You may request a consultation and learn more at their website

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