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Dental Bites: Dental Tori

Free Dental Day by Conroe Comprehensive Dental Center

Free Dental Day by Conroe Comprehensive Dental Center

Dental Bites: Dental Tori

Tori are excess bone that develops in the upper or lower jaw. When present in the roof of the mouth (palate), the condition is referred to as torus palatinus. When it presents in the lower jaw, beneath and on the side of the tongue it is called torus mandibularis. Simply put tori are small hills of bone covered by normal gum tissue. Torus mandibularis affects about 27 out of every 1,000 adults, reports the National Institutes of Health. Tori can show up as a single bump or a group of bumps. They may vary in size and shape.

What Causes Mandibular Tori?

1. Genetics, this condition is more common in men than women and can be passed down from father to son.

2. Bruxism (grinding of the teeth) and clenching.

3. Diet. Food choices and habits also seem to correlate with the development of palatal tori. Those who have vitamin deficiency, eat a lot of fish, and calcium rich diets.

What Are the Symptoms of Mandibular Tori?

1. The main symptom is the tori growing in the mouth.

2. One growth or multiple growths.

3. Inflammation of the gums.

4. Slurred Speech.

What Is the Treatment for Mandibular Tori?

Even if the growth is without symptoms, it needs to be evaluated by your dentist. If your dentist confirms that your growth is torus mandibularis, he/she may recommend not treating it.  Surgery is an option your dentist may recommend if your growth is painful or interfering with eating, talking, or your dentures.

In conclusion any growths inside your mouth should always be examined by your dentist, just to be safe. Keeping your mouth clean and healthy is the best way to avoid oral health issues. Be sure to schedule a cleaning appointment with your dentist office.

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