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SJRA: The Best Water in Texas

SJRA: The Best Water in Texas

Have you ever wondered where the best water in Texas is located? We may be biased, but we would have to say Lake Conroe is the best water in Texas! Beyond its beauty, Lake Conroe supplies quality drinking water for hundreds of thousands of our neighbors and friends in Montgomery County.

Lake Conroe did not always exist, in fact, Lake Conroe wasn’t completed until 1973! For decades, the San Jacinto River Authority has been helping to manage the best water in Texas and plan for the future of the area. Planning for the next 50-100 years, the SJRA team is specifically equipped to take on large scale, complex, highly technical projects for our customers and the communities we serve. With our long history in water supply development and planning, our goal continues to be to provide timely and efficient solutions to the watershed’s current and future water challenges. 

We have a shared story with our neighbors in Montgomery County, all starting in 1937 with the creation of the SJRA. From soil conservation and land reclamation, to providing water rights to the Federal Works Agency to assist efforts during World War II, to the creation of Lake Conroe, SJRA has played a major role in managing, preserving, and protecting the best water in Texas. 

Lake Conroe serves many roles as a drinking water reservoir, a place with abundant and diverse wildlife and ecosystems, and a place where the community can come together for work and play. We love and cherish Lake Conroe and our hope is that every resident of Montgomery County will join us in helping protect the best water in Texas!

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