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From the Republican Chairman: Trump Charges

From the Republican Chairman: Trump Charges

This article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by The Dock Line

From the Republican Chairman: Trump Charges

I can vividly remember where I was when the news broke that Donald Trump was convicted on 34 charges in what can only be described as a series of “trumped up charges” – no pun intended. The case itself bears enough similarities with the Paula Jones scandal which came to light during President Bill Clinton’s first presidential term that it’s pretty easy to see the amplified hypocrisy of the left. The disparity of outcomes between these two cases is enough to make the healthy skeptic wonder if we are careening head-long into a banana republic. Indeed, the evidence suggests that this is top of mind for many.

Shortly after the verdict came in, I began to see an influx of calls and emails. Simultaneously, social media was being flooded with expressions of outrage, dismay, and despair. It’s unclear whether the sentencing on June 11th will include jail time. With the Republican National Convention just weeks away, I don’t perceive this being an issue which derails our delegates. I fully expect that Donald Trump will be the Presidential nominee for the Republican Party. In fact, top Republicans are speculating that he could be behind bars when he’s nominated and are making contingency plans.

Regardless of whether Trump is victorious, or if he loses the Presidential election, it’s important to anchor ourselves in truth. God is in control and no political candidate is our Savior. Moreover, we are a people of dual citizenship (Philippians 3:20). While one foot is planted in the eternal, we are also divinely appointed to our station in this life (Acts 17:26). We are responsible for participating in the social, economic, and political arenas which God has placed us (Jeremiah 29:4-7). Additionally, we will be held accountable for the stewardship of what we’ve been entrusted (Matthew 25:14-30). The dichotomy should be one of balance. God is in control but we are not absolved of our responsibilities. Stated another way, we roll up our sleeves and rest assured of the outcome. Regarding this, the Psalms speak plainly.

(Psalms 146) Do not trust in princes, or in human beings, who cannot deliver. Their life’s breath departs, they return to the ground. On that day their plans die. How blessed is the one whose helper is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God, the one who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, who remains forever faithful, vindicates the oppressed, and gives food to the hungry… the Lord protects the resident foreigner…

As we navigate through turbulent times, it’s crucial to remember that our ultimate hope must be rooted in God. It’s easy to be rattled by the chaos and uncertainty, but our faith demands a higher perspective.  The phrase “do not be afraid” occurs more than three hundred times in scripture.  While it might sound like a suggestion, it’s actually an imperative–a command.

Beyond fear, there is a greater danger we must guard against.  Not only are we to set aside fear, but we are also commanded not to be angry (Ephesians 4:31).  The only  exception is righteous indignation, but even that comes with a warning.

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