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SJRA: Partners in the Community

SJRA: Partners in the Community

SJRA: Partners in the Community

The San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) is most known for managing and operating the Lake Conroe Dam, operating the Surface Water Treatment Plant on Lake Conroe, providing water and wastewater services to the residents of The Woodlands, serving the largest concentration of petrochemical manufacturing in the world, but they do so much more. SJRA has an active presence in the community they serve because its team members are also members of these very same communities.

SJRA is a member of the local Chambers of Commerce within its service area, six total, and has a representative serving on the Board of Directors on two of the chambers. SJRA also has another team member that is chair of the Young Professional Committee for another chamber. In addition to volunteering with the chambers, the SJRA also works with the chambers to host events to help educate the community on water conservation, flooding, and water treatment to name a few topics.

SJRA is enthusiastic about educating the public on how they work for the community’s water. SJRA also participates in many community events, from fall Village Festivals in The Woodlands to Family Nights at local schools, to presenting at local clubs and organizations like the Rotary Club. SJRA team members also volunteer to work community events like the Arbor Day Tree Giveaway and at the Montgomery County Food Bank.

SJRA has also hosted over twenty tours this past year at the different divisions. Tours range from Lake Conroe Dam to the Ground Water Reduction Plan Surface Water Treatment Plant to Wastewater Treatment Facilities in The Woodlands. SJRA offers tours to school groups, scouting groups and community groups to name a few. If you are interested in scheduling a tour at one of SJRA’s divisions visit www.sjra.net/about/tours/ to fill out the tour request form.

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