ASVT: Rescue Pets… Unconditional Love! September Adoptees!

ASVT: Rescue Pets… Unconditional Love! September Adoptees!

Rescue Pets… Unconditional Love!

It’s always good to have pets – in good times or bad. Having a little animal to love, and be rewarded with unconditional love.

What can your children learn from a pet? Love, Commitment, Empathy, Patience and Appreciation.

Children of all ages have been a large part of Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas (ASVT) success.

Sometimes children need a special pal to hold or read to. What better pal than a rescue dog or cat? The love that is given to these beautiful animals is returned to us tenfold. They teach an unconditional love and loyalty.

Every dog has a story

Hi Dock Line World! It’s us, Bitsy and Scooter! We are now safe in foster homes and learning to cope with our grief. Our story is a sad one because we miss our daddy. When we all lived at home he was very, very sad. We try to get him happy! He so sad he took us to his special place and he went to heaven. Me, Bitsy, and Scooter didn’t know what to do. I just stayed by daddy and Scooter was scared and he ran away. I was so scared! Soon a nice policeman came and found me. He hugged me and told me it will be OK. We couldn’t find Scooter. He took me to daddy’s friend and she called to find me a home. A nice man from Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas came and got me and brought me to a house with other doggies that look like me. I was sad without Scooter.

The nice man that brought me to my foster home went out to look for Scooter He didn’t give up. He and other volunteers kept going out to look for Scooter. Then one day three weeks later the nice man saw him on Facebook. Someone found him. He rushed out to get him and took him to his home. Scooter is happy and safe now. We still miss daddy but he is happy in heaven now! We will be ready for adoption soon.

Why do Animals Need Foster Care?

Fostering saves two animals. The one you foster and the one that can now take the empty kennel left by your foster. Many times homeless pets are found on the streets having been dumped by uncaring humans or simply lost and don’t find their way back home. ASVT can take these pets into our rescue only if we have a foster home for them.

Whatever the reason, these pets need extra love and care before they can be adopted. Providing foster care can be a lifesaving gift for a homeless pet.

How about a family project? Fostering is a perfect way for a family to share the experience of rescuing, nurturing and finding a loving home for the pets in need. Worried about falling in love and not being able to part with your foster? Once you have adopted your foster to that perfect person or family you will feel the reward of saving a life. Yes, there have been times when fosters cannot part and they become affectionally known as “Foster Failures”… but as a rule loving families adopt these foster pets and live happily ever after. Is it an emotional rollercoaster? You bet, but it’s happy tears of joy and emotion when you save a life. It is a great lesson of empathy. FOSTERING IS A LIFELINE FOR THE RESCUE PETS! Please consider fostering and let us know if you prefer to foster puppies, kittens, dogs or cats! Just submit a Foster Application.

Let’s Not Forget Senior Pets

Teach your children to respect and appreciate senior pets. Seniors have a value and can be great teachers.

Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders and from what has been experienced with our Community’s children, we are going in a great direction for the future in regard to commitment and caring for pets in need.

If you would like your children to learn some additional valuable lessons in life, please sign up to join ASVT so we can continue our mission! Contact us today if you can foster and/or volunteer to help the animals or organize fundraising.

Cats & Kittens

Meet Milo! Milo was s stray found with an injured leg. He came to ASVT and we took it from there. He was taken to one of our vet to see the extent of his injury. Fortunately his leg was able to be saved with a plate. Today he still walks around on four legs! He is ready for his forever ready for his forever family.

There are so many cats and kittens in need and many times, rescues focus on dogs, but cats are in need too. Texas Litter Control offers free spay/neuter for any community cat brought in a live trap.

Fundraising and donations keep ASVT going. ASVT continues to focus on Community animals in need before they reach the shelter and placing them into ASVT foster homes so they can be adopted. Our thanks also to Animal Hospital of Montgomery for collecting donations to help us.

ASVT pays for medical, spay/neuter, vaccines and microchip. ASVT funds transporting of animals to other states with high adoption rates.

Because of overpopulation of unwanted animals when the shelters are full, animals will be euthanized. ASVT also helps these animals.

ASVT has been saving lives of community animals in need for more than 10 years and rehomes over 700 pets a year. No one is paid a salary, the money goes to help the animals. We count on the contributions from the community to “Help Us Help Them” and we thank you for your support.

Visit or contact us at See all our animals available for adoption, receive information on low cost spay/neuter, fill out applications for fostering and volunteering or donate by using the DONATE button.

All pets shown in this article are available for adoption.

Kroger grocery stores will donate a percentage of your purchases to ASVT. Every time you shop, be sure to use your Kroger Plus Card or Alt-ID at checkout.

Use the link below to sign in or create a Kroger account. When you edit your Kroger Community Rewards information, be sure to enter ASVTs NPO# HJ136. THANK YOU Kroger shoppers!



You can visit our website to sign up to volunteer and/or foster and donate using our DONATE button. Donations help us pay for medical expenses, food, supplies and transporting animals to areas with high adoption needs.

ASVT also sponsors a Spay/Neuter Program for community animals whose owners cannot afford to have their pets altered. This helps decrease the rise of community puppies and kittens that will end up in the shelters.

The accomplishments of ASVT would not be possible without partners like Wiesner Automotive, Ransoms Steakhouse, Animal Hospital of Montgomery, Bruce and Toni Sellers, Dock Line Magazine and so many more.

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