Celebrating The 4TH of July… What Does It Mean To Animals?

Celebrating The 4TH of July… What Does It Mean To Animals?

We all love to celebrate and July 4th is traditionally a day for respectful fun and thanks for the freedom that was made possible in 1776. Now, here we are in 2022 Independence Day in Montgomery County, but it is a tough time for Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas (ASVT) to celebrate wholeheartedly when animals in our community are suffering. ASVT are in the trenches daily striving to give “independence from suffering” to animals in need. We are contacted daily about starved, abused and unwanted dogs and cats and there are more out there that are not being helped.

Our community and animal shelters are overflowing and there is no end in sight….unless we promote SPAY & NEUTER.

Yes, many puppies and kittens were taken in by ASVT in the past months and more keep arriving. If you have ever considered adopting, now is a perfect time, but we still need to concentrate on spay/neuter. 

Don’t worry – we will not run out of puppies or kittens! We are at disgraceful epidemic levels of unwanted, neglected and abused animals.

You can visit our website at www.ASVTexas.org to see all our pets available for adoption. All pets shown in this article are available for YOU to adopt!

TRAP NEUTER & RETURN (TNR) is one of the solutions that will help prevent an escalated epidemic in our community. “WE” can help make the difference.

WHAT IS TNR? Here are some facts from Alley Cat Allies to help inform you: Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), the humane approach to addressing community cat populations. It saves cats’ lives and is effective. Trap-Neuter-Return is successfully practiced in hundreds of communities and in every landscape and setting. It is exactly what it sounds like: Cats are humanely trapped and taken to a veterinarian to be neutered or spayed and vaccinated. After recovery, the cats are returned to their home—their colony—outdoors. Kittens and cats who are friendly and socialized to people may be adopted into homes.

What about puppies you ask? ASVT has implemented a Spay/Neuter program to prevent further overpopulation of puppies also. 

The stray animal population in Montgomery County is HUGE! Public and private shelters are overcrowded. The community at large is mostly unaware of the problem and doesn’t realize there are relatively easy, inexpensive ways to help solve the problem. Spaying female and neutering male animals guarantees no new puppies or kittens are born.

Maddy & Kiki Update

Beautiful, bonded pair could be a perfect family addition for YOU!Please consider adopting or fostering.









For the past year Maddy and Kiki have lived in boarding because no one has stepped up to foster or adopt 2 dogs. It may sound like a major job to consider adopting 2 dogs, but these girls are a joy and will easily fit into your routine. Two ASVT members have taken them out daily to their homes and socialized them with dogs and cats and Maddy and Kiki are familiar with everyday household activities and noises. They have spent some nights with the ASVT members and were wonderful. Kiki even wanted to sleep on the bed but slept quietly on her own bed.  These ASVT members cannot foster full time due to commitments to other ASVT pets, so our goal is to tell all how wonderful Maddy and Kiki are and hopefully find that perfect home or foster home. 

Maddy and Kiki need a dog person or couple who will appreciate their past and what they have accomplished and what they have to offer.  

Their past:  Maddy and Kiki were living on their own for the first three years of their lives surviving in a rural neighborhood on scraps of food and makeshift shelter and always on the run since they had no place called home to feel safe. They gave birth to many litters of beautiful puppies that ASVT was able to rescue and find wonderful homes.  Maddy and Kiki were not quite so easy to trap but finally it happened and they were placed in foster homes to have their pups.  Pups have all been adopted to loving families now it’s Maddy and Kiki’s turn.  They have learned to love their people and trust.  

Please consider meeting them and giving them the chance.

If you would like to consider giving them that chance, ASVT  will help you get them settled in and teach you all what they have been thru and how to continue to help Maddy & Kiki live a happy life together.   Please help us help them and know that if it does not work out, we will take them back immediately. 

They deserve a loving home.  The right person(s) who show them patience and love will be rewarded with true companionship.  

This month we celebrate our Independence Day and also celebrating National Pet Fire Safety Day on July 15. An estimated 500,000 pets are affected annually by home fires, however, nearly 1,000 house fires each year are accidentally started by the homeowners’ pets, according to a data analysis by the National Fire Protection Association.

Prevent your pet from starting fires…

• Extinguish open flames – Pets are generally curious and will investigate. Ensure your pet is not left unattended around an open flame and make sure to thoroughly extinguish any open flame before leaving your home.

• Remove stove knobs – Be sure to remove stove knobs or protect them with covers before leaving the house. According to the National Fire Protection Association, a stove is the number one piece of equipment involved in pets starting a fire.

• Invest in flameless candles – These candles contain a light bulb rather than an open flame, and take the danger out of your pet knocking over a candle. Cats are notorious for starting fires when their tails turn over lit candles.

• Beware of water bowls on wooden decks – Do not leave a glass water bowl for your pet outside on a wooden deck.  The sun’s rays when filtered through the glass and water can actually heat up and ignite the wooden deck beneath it. Choose stainless steel or ceramic bowls instead.


Kroger grocery stores will donate a percentage of your purchases to ASVT. Every time you shop. ASVT receives about $300 per quarter from about 250 families signed up. Be sure to use your Kroger Plus Card or Alt-ID at checkout. 

Use the link below to sign in or create a Kroger account. When you edit your Kroger Community Rewards information, be sure to enter ASVTs NPO# HJ136. THANK YOU Kroger shoppers! https://www.kroger.com/communityrewards



You can visit our website to sign up to volunteer and/or foster and donate using our DONATE button. Donations help us pay for medical expenses, food, supplies and transporting animals to areas with high adoption needs. 

ASVT also sponsors a Spay/Neuter Program for community animals whose owners cannot afford to have their pets altered. This helps decrease the rise of community puppies and kittens that will end up in the shelters.

The accomplishments of ASVT would not be possible without partners like Wiesner Automotive, Empire Electric, Ransom’s Steakhouse, Animal Hospital of Montgomery, Bruce and Toni Sellers, Dock Line Magazine and so many more. 









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