July 2024: From the Managing Editor

July 2024: From the Managing Editor

July is known to be filled with sizzling hot days and sultry humid nights. July is also a bundle of excitement this year. The month begins with a big bang, as we celebrate Independence Day, the birth of our nation. The fireworks won’t stop there, since the National Republican Convention starts July 15. The month continues to shine with the Major League Baseball All-Star game being played on July 16. This year is extra special with the Summer Olympics starting on July 26. If we mix in all that excitement with the traditional backyard cookouts, pool parties and maybe a summer vacation, we have the recipe for a wonderful mid-summer month. Regardless of what your plans are this month I hope you remember to shop local, continue to explore our great community and keep reading Dock Line Magazine.

Until Next Month, 

Gt2, Bentley & Ellie

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