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Bear Branch Gravity Main Improvements – February, 2020

Bear Branch Gravity Main Improvements – February, 2020

This month the San Jacinto River Authority (SJRA) will begin improving the Bear Branch Gravity Main wastewater collection system in The Woodlands.  When completed, the structural integrity of the more than 2.5 miles of pipe and associated manholes in the Village of Cochran’s Crossing will be restored, preventing aquifer groundwater and stormwater runoff from entering the collection system through possible leaking joints and manhole covers. 

The pipe will be rehabilitated using the Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) method, a trenchless technology that minimizes impacts to the environment and the public.  The result is a tight-fitting, jointless, and corrosion-resistant structural liner within the existing pipe, or a “pipe-within-a-pipe.”  Additionally, manholes will be rehabilitated with new covers and a corrosion-resistant lining.  The project is funded by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB).

Timeline:  The construction contract was approved by SJRA’s Board of Directors at the December 2019 Board meeting.  The construction contract is being reviewed by TWDB and approval is anticipated by mid-January.  After TWDB approval, the contractor will be given notice to proceed. Construction activity is expected to start late February or early March 2020.  During construction, temporary access roads will be established, construction vehicles and heavy machinery will be present, but should not disrupt traffic patterns.

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