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Lifting the Community, One Boat at a Time

Lifting the Community, One Boat at a Time

What Lake Conroe Boat Lifts can teach us about doing business, the right way

When you’ve been in any business for over a decade, then you’re doing something right. Lake Conroe Boat Lifts was started by Glen Martin 12 years ago. Already a successful businessman in the home construction industry, Glen launched his boat lift company with the desire to meet a common need for any thriving lake community: building durable, high-quality boat lifts and bulkheads. As more and more lakefront communities fill the shoreline of Lake Conroe, Lake Conroe Boat Lifts provides not just a service to these homeowners, but a greater service to the whole community.

With any booming economic area there comes an influx of business opportunities. Savvy businessmen swoop in quickly to take advantage of the growing market. As much as it improves the overall region from an economic standpoint, it also brings with it an influx of fast-money schemes and fly-by-night “businesses” that pop-up or show up just to make a quick buck. While the money can be good, the quality of work tends to take a hit, and the consequences follow, although they might not show up for a few years.

Boat lifts and bulkheads are a great example. The quality of materials and the level of craftsmanship needed to make a great boat lift play a huge role in the longevity and appearance of it. To put it plainly, a boat lift is not something you want to be cheap about. As Glen points out, “You are making a large investment. Make sure you use quality materials that will last. The cheapest bid is not always the best.” There is no shortage of boat lift companies in the Lake Conroe area. Typically, as markets get more competitive, the natural course for businesses is to try to compete on price. With all the competition, Glen Martin and Lake Conroe Boat Lifts have thrived without having to sacrifice on quality. “People come to us because they are referred by others and have seen our work,” says Glen. Any experienced business owner will tell you that is the most effective form or marketing by a long shot. When your customers are your sales force and your work speaks for itself, then you’re doing something right.

If you dig into the details, you’ll quickly learn that Lake Conroe Boat Lifts doesn’t follow the typical “minimum requirement” approach to building and repairs. While there are certain standards that must be followed when building something like a boat lift or a bulkhead, there is also a focus on craftsmanship and durability that Lake Conroe Boat Lifts uses as their own sort of minimum requirement. For instance, as Mr. Martin highlights, “We use larger gage cables than most boat lift builders, and marine grade lumber.” “Better quality materials” are the standard in this business, and the work speaks for itself.

Perhaps the most compelling thing about Lake Conroe Boat Lifts is not just the attention to detail and quality of materials. It actually has more to do with customer care. “We are different,” Glen states. “We offer faster response times, when a lot of companies shedule you four to six months out. We also work directly with the owners to strive for the safest and best construction plans. And we keep in constant communication with the owners.” A construction project like a boat lift is a big deal. It’s going to be a part of someone’s home for a long time. It needs to look good, but also be functional and durable. Most of all, the homeowner has to love it. It needs to add value to their lives. This is why it is so important to work so closely with the homeowners. It’s a lesson any business should pay attention to.

Lake Conroe Boat Lifts makes a point to keep the customer happy throughout the entire process, not just when revealing a final product. “We keep in regular contact with the owners. We send pictures as work is in progress, provide an easy to understand contract, and offer a warranty, all while still providing competitive pricing.” And it’s not just new builds that Lake Conroe Boat Lifts is known for. They are also a trusted resource for repairs and replacements. After all, anything that is constantly exposed to water, especially bulkheads and boat lifts, will need maintenance.

So, you may be wondering, what’s the real secret? Why does Lake Conroe Boat Lifts really stand out so much? We’ve talked a lot about the business practices and quality standards they follow. But perhaps the greatest reason for their ongoing success in the Lake Conroe community is something that can’t quite be put on paper. Simply put, they care. Everyone in the business lives on the lake. It’s not just their market, it’s their community. If you want to build a successful business in any industry, then use people who live in the community – people who care about the place they live and work and build relationships.

As Glen will tell you himself, it’s not just about getting someone’s business. “We want to build relationships with our clients.” After all, when the job is done and daily life resumes, you want to be met with a smile when you run into a customer in the grocery store, in church, at a restaurant and anywhere else in the community.

When asked to give one piece of advice to others, Glen Martin shares a deep and simple bit of wisdom that his employees understand better than anyone: “Stand behind your work and treat your customer’s project as if it were your own home.” For more information about Lake Conroe Boat Lifts or to get a quote on a new build or repair, call (936) 444-6952, or visit www.montgomerycountyhsd.com.

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  1. My uncle has a lakefront home where he keeps his boat but he says that he has to clean it well due to the water damage that it causes to it. I found it interesting when you said that choosing quality materials in a boat lift can make it last for a longer time. I will recommend him to contact a professional company that can install a boat lift in his property.


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