76.4 F



Our lives look and feel much different this spring than ever before in our lifetime.  We are learning that so much of our life is a “routine” that we don’t have to think about.  Suddenly all “routines” and habits have been turned upside down.  Now we must “think” about every move we make.  

I have learned things like: apparently I don’t generally wash my hands often enough; I touch my face too often; I stand too close to people when in a conversation or in a line.  Oh, and how many times in recent weeks have I instinctively extended my hand for the customary handshake when approaching someone? 

All this “remembering” and “thinking” about what to do, or not, is wearing on our last nerve!  

Meanwhile, we must not allow what we CAN’T do stop us from doing what we CAN do.

Lawn Ranger Company’s crews in all Divisions (Fertilization and Weed Control, Landscape Installation, Lawn Maintenance, Irrigation/sprinklers, Lighting) are continuing to work, as our services have been deemed acceptable to continue operating.  For that, I and the families who depend us, are deeply grateful.  I am deeply saddened for those, especially our customers, who have lost jobs, and for the companies that are temporarily or permanently closed.

Our crews and office staff are taking extreme precautions to protect themselves and each other, as well as our customers.

Many cool-season annuals are now in decline or already gone.  May is a transition month as we move from the comfortable 80’s to the more intense summer heat with temperatures reaching into the upper 90’s.  It may be time to think about replacing the annuals with a summertime variety.  Remember, the hotter it gets, the more difficult it becomes to spend time in the garden.  Do it now before the thermometer rises too much.

When planting new color annuals, remove the weeds and other unwanted plants from the bed.  Turn the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches.  Spread a 3 or 4 inch layer of compost, rotted leaves, finely ground pine bark, or peat moss over the bed.  Blend this addition into the bed and rake it smooth.  You are ready to plant!

It is most appealing to the eye to plant new material in staggered rows, or a checkerboard pattern, rather than in straight lines or squares.

After planting and watering, apply a 3 or 4 inch layer of mulch around each plant.

Newly planted flower beds will need to be watered thoroughly.  Then water as deeply as needed, as opposed to a “light watering” every day.   Keep the soil and roots moist.  It is best to water early in the day.  

For the turf grass, this is the perfect time to aerate the lawn, and apply a good, properly formulated fertilizer.

You are invited to send us your questions and comments.  We can be contacted at our offices at 

281-681-1025, or through our web site: www.LawnRangerCompany.com

“Like” us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/lawnrangercompany  

Follow us on Twitter:  @lawnranger_walt

Instagram: lawnrangercompany

Check out a few videos at www.youtube.com/lawnrangercompany 

Voted “BEST OF THE WOODLANDS”  for the last 11 years.  

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