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Let Your Grandparents Know You Care

Let Your Grandparents Know You Care

When we think back to our most beloved childhood memories, the figures that keep popping up are our grandparents. Whether you were blessed with many or with just one or two, grandparents are treasures. Sunday, September 13 is National Grandparents Day. Show your grandparents (or your kid’s grandparents) just how much they mean to you. 

Here is a list of Grandparents Day celebration ideas:

  • Pick up the phone for a chat
  • Send your grandparents a card or flowers
  • Drop by for a visit 
  • Homemade gifts from the grandkids
  • Listen to their stories

Pick up the phone for a chat

If you don’t live close or aren’t able to see your grandparents in person, surprise them with a phone call. Chances are, they would love to talk and hear about what is going on in your life. 

A video call (if their phone is capable) is even better! Seeing their grandkids or great-grandkids will bring them so much joy, even if it is just on a little screen.

Send your grandparents a card or flowers

Along with that phone call, your grandparents would appreciate a little token. A “thinking of you” card is special for anyone, especially our favorite relatives! And flowers brighten up everyone’s day, so have some delivered to bring a little sunshine.

Drop by for a visit 

Nothing will top you and your family dropping by for a visit. It doesn’t even have to be a surprise. Let them know you are coming and they will countdown the days! 

Once you are there, remember to be present. Pull out the photo albums and reminisce about family vacations and terrible haircuts. Turn on their favorite TV show and watch it together. (Wheel of Fortune, anybody?) Make dinner or take them out to their favorite spot for a meal. (Does Cracker Barrel take reservations?)

While you are there, do a few chores. Empty the dishwasher or take out the trash. Leave the place better than you found it. (Unless grandma is the best housekeeper ever, like most of them are…) Just be a blessing to them in any way you can.

Homemade gifts from the grandkids

When you have reached the grandparent stage, you probably have all the possessions you’d want or need. But, they can always use a hand-turkey or macaroni art. Pictures drawn or colored just for them are a welcome gift…and no, it’s not too cheesy!

Listen to their stories

Probably the best gift you can give to any grandparent is to listen to their stories. This is also your chance to learn about your family’s history. Take the time to enjoy your grandparents as much as they enjoy you. You may even want to record them telling stories or write some of it down, so important details don’t get lost.

Celebrate your grandpa, pawpaw, poppy, pops, or granddaddy, and grandma, grams, meme, memaw, or granny this grandparents day, better than ever. Cherish these special people in your life. Let them know how much you care!

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