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VA COVID-19 Vaccine Status

VA COVID-19 Vaccine Status

The Department of Veteran Affairs is working closely with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal partners to provide COVID-19 vaccines to Veterans and VA health care personnel. We know you have a lot of questions, and information is changing quickly. 

Who will get a COVID-19 vaccine first?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized the first 2 COVID-19 vaccines. VA will have a limited amount of these vaccines to start.

VA has worked with the CDC and other federal partners to develop a phased plan. VA’s goal is to do the most good for the most people during this time.

Under this plan, VA will now offer vaccines to these 2 groups:

  • Veterans living in our long-term care facilities, and
  • VA health care personnel. Vaccinating our VA health care personnel helps us continue providing care for Veterans.

VA based this plan on these criteria from CDC guidelines:

  • Risk of becoming infected with the virus
  • Risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19
  • Risk of spreading the virus to others
  • Risk of harm to society if essential workers, including health care personnel, are unable to work

After these first 2 groups, VA will begin to offer vaccines to more Veterans who are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

If you’re eligible to get a vaccine, your VA health care team will contact you. You don’t need to reserve a vaccine, or come to a VA facility to request or receive a vaccine until you are contacted. VA staff will only provide vaccines to Veterans who are currently eligible for one based on VA and CDC risk criteria.

Who is at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19?

VA will follow CDC guidelines for determining who is at high risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19. Factors that may influence the risk of severe illness include the following:

  • Age. The risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19 increases with age.
  • Existing health problems. People with certain health problems (like diabetes, heart disease, or obesity) have a higher risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19.
  • Other factors that raise a person’s risk of severe illness or death from COVID-19, such as living in a nursing home or other group living facility.

Sign up at www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine/ for an easy way to stay informed about our COVID-19 plans.

When you sign up, VA will also ask about your interest in getting a vaccine when one is available to you. By sharing your interest, you can help VA better prepare as they work to offer vaccines to more Veterans.

If you interested in more information on VA & State benefits contact, Montgomery County Veterans Service at 936-539-7842 or via email [email protected] and visit us on Facebook at Montgomery County Veterans Service.

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