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The Joy of Fostering Homeless Pets

The Joy of Fostering Homeless Pets

Animal Shelter Volunteers of Texas is a foster based rescue organization. We depend on foster parents to help us improve the quality of lives for animals in our community. ASVT has been active in rescuing homeless and abandoned pets since 2010.

Sometimes we have to ask, who is really getting rescued, the animals or us? Animals’ love is unconditional and they are so eager to constantly demonstrate how much they adore us. As with any love that we are fortunate enough to receive, we must not take it for granted.

When I was alone… You were there! Someone who cared!

This is Rue’s story. A tiny senior Chihuahua that came to the shelter after her owner passed away. She was scared and very nippy. When the call came in from the shelter ASVT said “Yes”! I picked her up and tried to ease her sadness. 

  Rue getting ready for her freedom ride from the shelter.

She was overlooked from all my foster Chihuahuas for 18 months. She learned to love and lost her need to be nippy. Then one day a lovely lady in Vermont saw her picture. After several weeks of communicating with her I made the decision for her to be adopted and make the journey to Vermont. This foster mom didn’t sleep for three nights during this journey. Rue arrived safely and is living the life she deserves with so much love!

I’m Alive… Laska’s Story

My name is Laska. I’m alive because I had a foster home. I’m alive because they made a small sacrifice, a small adjustment to their routine and welcomed me into their home to help me recover from a broken pelvis, an eye removal and severe skin issues. I’m alive because they loved me!

Laska living the life she deserves now.

My Puppies are safe… Mama Alice’s Story

Alice was found in a family way with no one to care for her. She was living on the streets. She was brought to us and we got her into a foster home just in time. Alice had her puppies in a nice warm bed in her foster home.

  Mama Alice and her puppies!

WHAT IS A PET FOSTER HOME? Being a pet foster parent, you provide a temporary home for a pet on the way to adoption. The number of pets that ASVT can save depends on the number of fosters who open their homes and hearts to foster them.

WHY DO ANIMALS NEED FOSTER CARE? Fostering saves two animals lives when shelters are full. The one you foster and the one that can now take the empty kennel left by your foster. Many times homeless pets are found on the streets having been dumped by uncaring humans or simply lost and don’t find their way back home. ASVT can take these pets into our rescue only if we have a foster home for them.

Whatever the reason, these pets need extra love and care before they can be adopted. Providing foster care can be a lifesaving gift for a homeless pet. 

On The Fence About Fostering?

I would rather cry watching a a foster pet leave my home to live a full life of happiness and joy in a loving home… than cry because no one stepped up and the animal died alone and frightened and sad in a shelter, FOSTERING SAVES LIVES, PLEAE TRY IT!

HOW IS IT DONE? Fosters find their forever homes by ASVT networking on numerous pet finder websites, on our website, Facebook page and adoption events. This gives people looking to adopt a rescue pet a wide venue to look for their dream pet.

If you would like to help the homeless pets of our community and become an ASVT foster, just visit our website and submit a foster application.


HOW TO SAY GOODBYE. It’s not easy to say goodbye. Giving up a pet you have fostered can be emotional. We all shed our tears of joy. Seeing your foster take their second freedom ride with their new family will help you remember that he or she has found a wonderful new home because of you. 

Foster parents are the unsung heroes of rescue. They offer compassion, love and temporary shelter for pets on their way to a loving permanent home.

All the fosters shown here are waiting to be adopted.

Please consider adopting a rescue pet.

Our Annual Bulb Fundraiser is in full swing. Start your Spring with beautiful flowers. Just place your order and the bulbs will be shipped to you for planting. Orders can be placed through April 26.




You can visit our website to sign up to volunteer and/or foster and donate using our DONATE button. Donations help us pay for medical expenses, food, supplies and transporting animals to areas with high adoption needs. 

ASVT also sponsors a Spay/Neuter Program for community animals whose owners cannot afford to have their pets altered. This helps decrease the rise of community puppies and kittens that will end up in the shelters.

The accomplishments of ASVT would not be possible without partners like Wiesner Automotive, Empire Electric, Ransom’s Steakhouse, Animal Hospital of Montgomery Dock Line Magazine and so many more. 

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