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5 Things to Know Before Starting a Podcast

5 Things to Know Before Starting a Podcast

5 Things to Know Before Starting a Podcast

If you have a favorite podcast you listen to, chances are you have thought to yourself, “I wonder if I could do this”.  The answer is yes! Starting and maintaining a podcast is more attainable than you think if you have the right tools and a plan in place to help you do it.

Oftentimes, people think podcasting is almost too easy. Visions of entertaining interviews, quick editing, and sponsors lining up to be a part of it are unfortunately not the reality of it. Podcasting, like anything, takes dedication, research, and hard work to make it a success. Even creating just one episode can require more work than you thought. However, with practice, persistence, and planning, you can be a podcaster in no time.

Know Your “Why” and “What” from the Start

What is your podcast about and why are you doing it? Having the answers to these questions at the start will help keep you focused in the long run. Starting your podcast without having your vision or a defined plan for it set in stone is like building a house without a foundation. Pretty soon, the cracks start forming and it all falls apart.

Many new podcasters don’t have their ideas laid out before they start. They are missing their audience, niche, or even the style they want. Although some are successful without a plan in place, it’s much easier and attainable in the long run to set your vision and goals out before you start recording.

Have a Quality Set-Up

You don’t need to spend a small fortune on your studio and equipment. For beginners, it can be intimidating and costly to invest in high-quality sound equipment. Not only that but when you start adding up the costs, it can feel discouraging to get started when you can’t afford the best of the best. Take a breath and focus on the basics. Invest in simple, minimal equipment that will give you the best quality for your budget.

You can find a good quality, plug-in microphone that adapts to your smartphone. There are also numerous, low-cost editing tools and software available to help you get started while you’re learning. You can record studio-quality content without having to spend thousands on fancy equipment.

Podcasting Takes Planning

From researching topics to scheduling interviews, successful podcasting doesn’t happen overnight. There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work taking place that makes these sessions a reality. You need to generate topic ideas, plan and write scripts, schedule interviews, record your content, edit, write episode transcripts, and more.

That may sound daunting and it will take effort, but making a plan and creating a great episode is completely doable. Just remember to stay organized and find what works for you. This is the way to stay on track and keep up consistent, good content.

Prepare for Bad Feedback

With putting yourself out there comes the risk of rejection. Not everyone is going to appreciate or see the value of your content. But that’s okay! Everybody is entitled to their preference and if it’s not your podcast, don’t get discouraged. Having thick skin will help you in the long run, and even if it hurts, just remember that negative words usually say more about the reviewer than the podcaster.

Don’t be afraid to hear negative feedback. Without criticism or correction, you won’t grow as a podcaster. Oftentimes, the negatives we hear help shape our vision and plan ahead for what we want to work on. It will take time to find your audience but when you do, it will only encourage you to keep going!

Don’t Expect to Be a Millionaire

Making money as a podcaster is challenging. It’s a difficult process of highs and lows, and if you’re doing it for the money, that might not be realistic. That’s not to say that you can’t be financially successful as a podcaster, just that it may not happen for a long time.

It’s not uncommon for most podcasters to take a loss when they’re starting out. You’re investing money into your equipment and space and you might not see that return on investment for a while. However, you can monetize your podcast by gaining sponsors and having ads before and during your sessions. Just remember that patience is key. You will not be a success overnight. It will take time, dedication, and practice before you see your investment come back to you.

If you’re thinking about becoming a podcaster, just know that it is completely attainable. With a solid plan and goals in place, you can make your dream a reality. Just be prepared for the highs and lows, financial investment, and organization it takes to make it happen. If you’re wanting to start your own podcast, but don’t have the place or equipment to start, then contact our team at Dock Line. We will help get you started with our in-house podcast studio and trained professionals that can help make your goals a reality.

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