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Want to Save Money in the New Year? Try these 4 Money-Saving Apps to Help You Start Budgeting

Want to Save Money in the New Year? Try these 4 Money-Saving Apps to Help You Start Budgeting

Want to Save Money in the New Year? Try theseĀ 4 Money-Saving Apps to Help You Start Budgeting

Every year, people make New Yearsā€™ resolutions, and chances are, saving money and learning to budget will make that list. Unfortunately, when most people think of budgeting, they think of long hours spent pouring over a spreadsheet, limiting their financial freedom. But they couldnā€™t be more wrong! Having a budget in place gives you the tools to easily manage your finances and create a system for smarter spending and better saving. However, most people donā€™t know where to start. Thankfully, there are numerous money-saving apps you can use to get you back on the financial track.

Here are four budgeting and financial planning apps to start using in the new year!


As the #1 downloaded personal finance app, Mint is a great, easy way to manage your monthly budget. It automatically updates your transactions and categorizes them so that you can see what youā€™re spending each month and how you can budget for it.

It also gives you custom goals, tracks bills, so you donā€™t miss due dates, and even logs your subscriptions so you know where your money is going each month. As one of the best free money-saving apps you can find, itā€™s an excellent option for those budgeters who are just getting started.Ā 


Want to save money without having to think about it? Then Acorns is the app for you. Acorns is an investing app that rounds up your purchases to the nearest dollar and saves the difference. So, every time you swipe your credit card, it automatically keeps the change and holds it for you.

Unlike most money-saving apps, Acorns invests your money into a portfolio based on your income and goals. It does cost $1 a month, but it is a valuable option for building an investment portfolio.


Qapital is an automated savings app that lets you set the rules. You can decide how much to save, and that money is then deposited into your goals account. You can even create joint plans with family and friends, making it one of the more connected money-saving apps.

One drawback is that you have to be a member to join the app, and the pricing is based on membership levels with higher subscriptions, including more features.


PocketGuard shows you how much spendable money you have each month after setting aside what you need for your bills and goals. It uses personalized categories to monitor your spending and even set up a strategy for paying off debts. Get a free budget that works for your needs.

Money-Saving Apps Make it Easy!

If you find it difficult to save money or youā€™re committed to sticking to your budgeting resolution, using an app might be the best option.

Having a clear picture of your finances and spending habits makes it easier to set monetary goals and stick to them. These apps are an excellent tool for those just getting started in the budgeting game. But donā€™t forget to be diligent! Just like any other good habit, it takes time and persistence to make it part of your routine and start saving responsibly for your future.

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