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It’s All in Your Head: My Office PA and Audiologist

It’s All in Your Head: My Office PA and Audiologist

It’s All in Your Head: My Office PA and Audiologist

Approximately 8 years now.  I do enjoy the communication and have been lucky enough to get positive feedback from some of you who read what I have created.  I have talked about several different conditions and illnesses that affect our ears such as hearing and balance, or nasal passages such as allergy and throat problems such as tonsillitis, cough, acid reflux or voice issues.

I know some of you have personally been in my office and allowed me to help take care of your medical issues.  I have been in this current location since July 2012, nearly 10 years, and they have flown by.  If you have been seen in my location you probably realized that I have excellent support staff that makes my job much easier.  Today I would like to talk briefly about two very valuable members of our team.

For 2 years my Audiologist has been Janet Wilson AuD (Doctor of Audiology). She is originally from a small town in Wisconsin and actually grew up on a dairy farm.  After extensive undergraduate then doctoral training she obtained her degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 2010.  Much of her work obtaining her degree was done both in large hospitals and small clinics throughout the area of Wisconsin and Iowa.  Like most smart people, several years ago she left the cold snowy Midwest and moved to Texas where she has worked both for an ENT clinic in the Bryan College Station area as well as independently as a dispensing audiologist.  She has an excellent rapport with people and can address their hearing issues with both kindness and experience.  She has an excellent ability to communicate what will honestly benefit you.

Since 2019 my office and my patients have been blessed to work with Christi Dodd, Certified Physician’s Assistant. When I asked her to write something about herself she sent me this: “I graduated from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston in 2000 with my Bachelor’s of Science in physician assistant studies.  I have worked as a physician assistant for the last 21 years in family medicine, urgent care, and ENT.  While enjoying working in all facets of medicine I have found that I am most interested in fashion about the ENT field.  I was originally trained in ENT during 2000 /2009 working with a specialist in College Station.  In 2019, I had the wonderful opportunity to join Dr. Stark and have continued to expand my ENT and allergy knowledge base.”

As an experienced physician, I can honestly say that these two women are at the top of their field.  I feel comfortable and confident in letting them address any of your patient needs.  I realize that many times someone will call to my office asking for an appointment to see me and frequently I am unavailable for several days because of my full schedule.  Please be assured that if the receptionist offers you an appointment with either Christi or Janet you are getting state-of-the-art care and evaluation by an excellent professional.

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