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How To Establish a Connection with Your Coworkers Virtually

How To Establish a Connection with Your Coworkers Virtually

Working remotely offers a variety of benefits. However, one thing it does is interfere with your connections with coworkers.

How To Establish a Connection with Your Coworkers Virtually

Working remotely offers a variety of benefits. However, one thing it does is interfere with your connections with coworkers. Although not everyone loves all their teammates, it is important to maintain some level of connection, as you are working for the same company and purpose. It is especially important to establish and keep connections with those you work closely with on projects. Using a zoom office background with company logo is a start to keep it in top of mind that you are working together for the same goals; however, there are other things you can do.

Establish Weekly Team Meetings

Meeting up online regularly is important, and weekly meetings are a good way to set the tone for the week. Mondays or Tuesdays are good days to hold them to help get everyone back on the same page after the weekend. Discuss goals and make sure everyone knows each other’s roles so they can follow up individually if necessary.

Virtual meetings do not have to be dry and boring. When you use zoom immersive view templates, it gives the impression you are all in the same room together conducting the meeting. These can help lead to greater connection.

Communicate Clearly

Nothing conflicts more with connection than non- or miscommunication. Online meetings increase the chances of miscommunication, so it is important to place a focus on communicating clearly. Some tips include:

  • Slow down the rate of speaking
  • Exaggerate your mouth movement and enunciation
  • Outline the specific number of points for better anticipation
  • Reiterate what the speaker said and ask for clarification if you are unsure about something
  • Ask questions
  • Summarize the topics discussed before the meeting ends

You should also follow up with the appropriate parties if there are questions during the week. You may also want to set up additional, smaller meetings with members of your team if you think that will help with communication.

Set Up Online Social Activities

There is a decent chance you got together with your colleagues socially every once in a while before the days of remote working. There is no reason you cannot continue this, as there are various activities you can do online to improve connection. These activities not only create a positive and energized environment, but they also help reduce stress.

You may want to set up lunch dates with your colleagues, where you can take a much-needed break and talk about things other than work. If you like to work out, but do not like doing it alone, consider creating a fitness group with some of your coworkers to work out together while in your own homes.

Just because you are all working remotely does not mean you have to forgo parties. Celebrate birthdays, goal accomplishments, holidays, and other random reasons. You can also get together for happy hour with your colleagues. Everyone can grab their favorite drink and snack and relax after a hard day of work.

To make these social activities more festive, change your zoom office backgrounds to fit the themes. This helps separate your work life from your social one.

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