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Dereks Fishing Adventures: Bit Off More Than He Could Chew

Dereks Fishing Adventures: Bit Off More Than He Could Chew

Dereks Fishing Adventures: Bit Off More Than He Could Chew

I have been wanting to take Sydney fishing on Fayette.  Thanksgiving break is here and now is my chance. We arrived at Fayette County Lake around 1:30 p.m. and launched the boat.  It was a beautiful day, but very windy.

We started near the dam, but fished offshore.  We stayed there for about 45 minutes fishing different schools.  We couldn’t get a bite.

We fished and fished and I pulled one off on a drop shop.  It yanked against the hook.  Sydney caught a few.  They were all smalls.

When we arrived at the next spot, we were using the trolling motor, we saw a bass rolled over.  It was floating on the surface and appeared to be dead.  We fished for about 20 minutes and did not pay much attention to it.  We were moving and got closer to the big bass.  Now it was on the side of the boat.  I looked over and saw a fish in its mouth and the bass’s tail was slowly moving in the water.  That is when I realized the bass was still ALIVE!  I reached in and grabbed the bass out of the water.  Using my hands, I tried to pull the fish out, which was a tilapia that was wedged in the bass’s mouth.  I noticed the dorsal fin was lodged on the top of fish’s mouth.  I grabbed the pliers and broke off the top fin of the tilapia and then gently pulled the dead fish out and put the bass back into the water. We watched him slowly swim back down into the water, swimming under the boat as he faded away.  He really bit off more than he could chew!

Sydney and I went to the dam afterwards and found schools of little bass.  We caught them on a drop shot using active target forward facing sonar.  THROW IT OUT, POP IT IN, FISH ON!!!

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