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First Date Dos and Don’ts – How to Make a Good Impression

First Date Dos and Don’ts – How to Make a Good Impression

First dates are a nerve-wracking but necessary part of courting a new relationship – and no matter how many we seem to go on, they always seem to be just as hard.

First Date Dos and Don’ts – How to Make a Good Impression

First dates are a nerve-wracking but necessary part of courting a new relationship – and no matter how many we seem to go on, they always seem to be just as hard. To make things a little easier, here are some simple dos and don’ts to help you navigate your next first date.


Do: Arrive Early

Punctuality can be a surprisingly important trait to possess, even as a potential suitor – up there with kindness and a sharp dress sense. Arriving early ensures your date doesn’t have to wait any length of time for you, and that you get to spend the most time together.

Do: Bring a Small Gift

It can be hard to figure out the proper etiquette when it comes to meeting someone for a first date – but there are some little things that are near-universal, and can go a long way to starting on the right foot. Bringing your date a little gift in the form of a box of chocolates or a bouquet of flowers is a sure-fire way to impress.

Do: Engage Them In Conversation

Awkward silences can be common on first dates, even if the chemistry is right. A combination of a new environment and first-date nerves can make it all too easy to freeze up, but you should instead take this opportunity to steer a conversation.

This ‘do comes bundled with a ‘don’t’ of its own, though: don’t dominate the conversation. The operative word in this piece of advice is ‘them’; silence is not an invitation for you to fill it with self-aggrandisement and inane chatter. Instead, guide the conversation by asking questions, and learning more about them! Your turn will come when they ask you something.


Don’t: Talk About Your Ex

This is a ‘don’t’ that surely shouldn’t need to be said, but personal experience says there are some of you out there who don’t quite get the message – so here it is, nonetheless. Whatever you do, don’t talk about your ex! Whether it was a long relationship or a recent break-up, your past partners should cast no shadow on your current first date. 

Don’t: Assert Yourself With Service Staff

First dates, and the nerves that result, can have an interesting effect on people. Some may feel more inclined to attempt to impress their date, whether by commanding the evening or adopting a more forthright approach with restaurant and hospitality staff – something which can easily devolve into rude and impolite behaviour. 

On a date in a venue, you should never treat staff with anything less than the utmost kindness and respect – anything else will reflect poorly.

Don’t: Distract Yourself With Your Phone

Nerves can also inspire people to seek ways to distract themselves – which, in a first date scenario, can lead to distracting oneself from the meeting at hand. As strong as your compulsion may be to check your phone, even out of awkwardness, do not do so; you’ll be flagging to your date that you are uninterested, and even rude. 

Your phone should only make an appearance when booking your next date, or faking an emergency for a swift exit from a bad date!


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