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Letters from the Editor: July 2023

Letters from the Editor: July 2023

July has once again arrived.  Which means summer is officially in full swing, the kids are out of school celebrating their summer freedom just as we do on Independence Day. This colorful, patriotic month of the red, white and blue, as well as the red-hot month of scorching temperatures with its abundance of backyard barbecues, crisp red watermelon, and sparkling fireworks is the perfect depiction of summer.  Even though the sun may be scorching hot, the days are bright and long. The amazing month of July is often referred to as the “dog days of summer”. With so many reasons to bring us all together this month, it displays a simple reminder to cherish the summer time before it quickly fades into a fleeting memory.  “Let freedom Ring”.  Enjoy all the local celebrations if you can and remember to shop local whenever possible.  There are so many new things to see and do in our community. 

Until Next Month,

GT2, Bentley & Ellie

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