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Impolite Company: 8 Shots Rang Out, and America Dodged All of Them

Impolite Company: 8 Shots Rang Out, and America Dodged All of Them

This article is the opinion of the author and is not necessarily shared by The Dock Line.

Impolite Company: 8 Shots Rang Out, and America Dodged All of Them

For my more sensitive readers in the audience, the cavalier headline may be upsetting, but the name of the column should tell you that we don’t mince words here at Impolite Company. On a lovely day in Western Pennsylvania, eight shots rang out, each bullet intended to take out President Donald Trump. Not only should Conservatives be grateful that the assassin’s bullets missed their intended target, but every American regardless of political affiliation should be grateful as well. It was not just Donald Trump that dodged bullets, but America has as well.

1. Biden’s debate performance

Biden was completely unable to string coherent sentences together in a 90-minute display of complete incompetence and ineptitude, the likes of which no one has seen in American political history. Several months ago in this column, this author called for the invocation of the 25th Amendment. While calls for the 25th have been rekindled, it is still unlikely to happen. The daggers have been thrust into Joe Biden’s back by his party, but in likelihood, they will not invoke the 25th unless necessary since they do not want Kamala Harris as President despite her rise as the Democratic Nominee. With Biden out of the race, and Kamala being the only alternative for the Democratic Party either for the remainder of Joe Biden’s first term, or what should have been his hypothetical second, removing these inept and contemptible people from the levers of power is good for America, and anything that moves the needle in the direction is a bullet dodged.

2. Trump’s survival in an assassination plot

I have seen men get shot at, and I have seen men get shot. Even the bravest, and toughest among us do not know how to respond in such an event. Men’s true character comes out in such times. There could be no greater juxtaposition than seeing Biden’s debate performance, and Trump’s reaction after being shot. It must be pointed out that the bullet left the assassin’s AR-15 and was travelling through the air, when Trump slightly turned his head to reference a chart on the billboard sized screen to his right. Had he not turned his head at just the right moment, he would be dead, and worst-case scenario, America might be headed toward Civil War.

He hit the deck after being shot in the head, (thankfully only his ear), he rose, composed himself, was cognizant enough to say “wait, grab my shoes…” and before the Secret Service could push him off stage, he had the wherewithal to demonstrate to the American People, and the World that he was not just ok, but that he was still going “Fight, Fight, Fight” . This demonstrated perfectly with very few words this truth: Biden cannot string two words together, and Trump can get literally shot in the head, and compose himself. There is no debate on who America needs in the White House after these two events. The failed assassination attempt made Trump a living martyr, and demonstrated his strength, the like of which the feeble Biden could never hope to take on. Trump’s literal dodging of bullets was the greatest bullet dodged for America.

3. The electrified RNC

I have never seen such a lively convention for the Republican Party. Speaking to friends and colleagues in attendance stated that it was “insane, upbeat, positive, filled with unity, and hope.” Juxtaposed to what we expect to see from the DNC at Chicago, where a primary was held in all 50 States, and the winner of 95% of the delegates is not going to accept the nomination, the party rules suspended or ignored, the voice of the people replaced by the “super delegates” (how democratic of them!), you have a fractured unenthusiastic Democratic Party versus an unified, hopeful, and positive Republican Party that has emerged as the party of blue collar patriots. The Dems are in trouble, and that means that America has dodged a bullet.

4. The rise of Vice President Kamala Harris to become the Democratic Nominee for President

In the wake of the Assassination attempt, the Democrats were smacked by the reality of the situation. They too realized that Joe Biden’s cognitive decline could not hope to compete with Trump’s living martyr status. The daggers came out, and Caesar would have to be dispatched on by the Senators. Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, and Barrack Obama took on the role of Cassius, Labeo, Cimber, and Brutus. Extreme pressure was placed upon the President to withdraw from the race. When Biden came down with Covid, he fled to his Delaware home, where the announcement that he was dropping out of the race was made on X, taking all of Biden’s aides by surprise. It makes one wonder if the President made this decision, or if someone in the conspiracy to remove him from the race had access to his account and made an announcement that could not be walked back. We may never know. Regardless, Biden was the top polling Democrat in the country, and he had no hope of defeating Trump. Now that Kamala Harris has replaced him, the polls remain unchanged, her approval rating, which is even worse than Biden’s will all but guarantee electoral defeat in November for the Democrats. Bullet dodged.

5. Secret Service Chief resigns

The Chief of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle has resigned after a bi-partisan call for her resignation. Cheatle’s complete inability to answer even the most basic questions regarding the failure of her organization to protect the former President was astounding. It’s significance however is a bit more nuanced. This is the first time in the past 3 disastrous years that anyone, at all, in the Biden administration has been held accountable for dismal failure. Afghanistan withdrawal, border crisis, a terrible economy, no accountability anywhere to be found. Finally, in Cheatle’s resignation we the people have some accountability from our government. Bullet dodged.

6. The Legacy Media’s influence is waning to the point where no one trusts them at all

The media’s participation in hiding just how bad Biden’s cognitive decline has been has shone a light on just how corrupt they are. The week before the debate many in the Legacy Media told us how great Joe Biden was, how he is more fit now than ever! After the debate, they had to admit that not only did the emperor have no clothes, but they were just as naked as he was. Now, whenever these snakes speak with their forked tongues, they have no credibility. Bullet dodged.

7. The House and the Senate

With every single House member up for reelection, and 1/3 of the Senate, the Republicans are in a strong position to gain seats in the lower chamber and are poised to take over the upper. With 7 battleground States on the line, Democrats must hold all of them something that is a tall order to be sure. But even in such an event, that would maintain a 50/50 Senate, and with the likelihood of Trump’s victory in November, the tie vote by then Vice President J.D. Vance would hand the Senate to Republicans. A Senate under new leadership with long time Senate Republican Mitch retiring. This would give Donald Trump and Republicans complete control of the government. The Trifecta! Bullet dodged.

8. America is at a fork in the road politically

Finally, yet most importantly, America is at a crossroads politically. Are we going to embrace the direction of Woke, democratic socialism? Or are we going to double down on the America that we all grew up living in? It appears that the Democratic Party has way overreached, and that what will emerge from the election in November is a stronger better America. One that is feared and respected by tyrants on the world stage. One who has a robust economy, and is not just energy independent, but energy dominant. One that will reinforce our customs, heritage, and institutions. One that will fight for the Western Traditions, whose shoulders we currently stand on. If Republicans can unify, work together, and accomplish these tasks, then America will have dodged the final bullet that these times has fired at us. When the bullets rang out in Butler, Pennsylvania on that gorgeous July evening, the would-be assassin meant to kill any attempt to stop Trump from taking the right path for America. What can only be described as Providence, protected Trump, and America from that would be disaster. Eight shots exploded from the chamber of that AR-15. All eight were meant to cause death and destruction, but fortunately for us, God used what was intended for evil for our good. By dodging these bullets, America is a stronger and better position than it otherwise could have been. God Bless America, and let us work together to “Make America Great Again.”

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