Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day

This Father’s Day, we celebrate the important men in our lives – our fathers. Whether they are a father, father figure, or male mentor, fathers play a significant role in the wellbeing and development of a child. Their involvement in a child’s upbringing greatly influences that child’s outlook on life, emotional stability, faith formation, spirituality, morals and values, chances of success, and so much more. 

Studies have shown that children with supportive and present fathers have higher levels of social competence, perform better in school, have better peer relationships, and become well-adjusted adults. Likewise, children whose fathers practice their faith at home also tend to continue practicing their faith once they move away. 

For so many reasons, fathers are simply awesome! and it is no surprise that children want to spend time with them.

Fathers are “super” in many ways:

They are super-examples – they provide comfort and security for their children; fathers are witty, laugh at our lame jokes, give bear hugs, patiently listen to all our problems, and work hard to make sure we are never short on anything.

They are super-encouragers – cheer us on at games, school events, and in life; they encourage independence and exploration, they teach us how to ride a bicycle, they’re always ready to go on adventures, and they support our dreams.

They are super-important – studies have shown that children with sensitive and supportive fathers have higher levels of social competence and better peer relationships; children whose fathers speak with them more and work with them on challenges, usually do better in school. 

Fathers are the cornerstone of a family, always ensuring the safety and well-being of their loved ones. They provide us with necessary support. They show unwavering love for our mothers, bring joy and humor to our lives, and teach us essential life skills. Their examples are a significant part of shaping who we become as adults.

But most importantly, fathers will love us no matter what we do or where we go.

This Father’s Day, let’s take the time to express our love to our fathers. Let’s make him some coffee and cookies, watch his favorite team play, or watch his favorite movie with him, help him with the household chores, help with a project or errand, take him out to eat (and pick up the tab!), visit a brewery or vineyard, play video games, wash his car, and show him just how much he is loved and appreciated for everything he does.

Fathers, know that you are valued and appreciated for who you are and everything you do. And in following God’s command, we thank you for setting the example and showing your children “when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise.” (Deuteronomy 6:7)

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