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Thinking about hiring a lawyer? Here are 5 instances when you should

Thinking about hiring a lawyer? Here are 5 instances when you should

You may not be aware of how hiring a lawyer can help you. In fact, you may not think they are necessary at all. However, they are, and even though they may cost money, they can save you from heartbreak and loss. Lawyers can protect your business, family, and home. Let’s take a look at some instances when hiring a lawyer makes sense.  

You are facing jail time or paying a serious fine

Anytime you are facing jail time or have had warrants issued for your arrest, you need to consider hiring a lawyer. You need someone in your corner to fight for you. Often times, you will not know the law or how to represent yourself properly in a courtroom. Again, hiring a lawyer is the right move even when considering something like a traffic violation. Unless you have undeniable proof that you did not violate the law (and this only for something minor such as a citation) you should at least consult with a lawyer. It will cost you money to consult with a lawyer, but it will help you develop a strategy should you choose to represent yourself. Also, anytime you are subjecting yourself to paying high amounts of fines or penalties you should know that hiring a lawyer could help reduce that penalty from its max amount. For clarification purposes, if you are facing time for a felony you should probably hire a lawyer.

You are writing a will

It is prudent to write a will before you are deceased so that no complications arise. Sometimes when there is no will the family will tear itself apart fighting over plans. Hiring a lawyer can help you with the planning of the will and who the custodian of the will is. You can divide up your belongings ahead of time and your lawyer will entrust that the will is law-abiding. Although not always necessary, hiring a lawyer is a must if you are dealing with complicated tax codes, multiple assets, or distribution of items in a unique way. This not only gives you peace of mind, but will help your family heal after you have passed. They won’t have to worry about fighting over your home or assets as this will be taken care of by your will.

You are getting a divorce

Knowing when you need to hire a lawyer is tough. Divorce can be one of those occasions if you and your partner cannot separate assets through mediation. You should be hiring a lawyer if you are looking at going to court. Often, a client is not emotionally ready to step into a courtroom and deal with the legalities of dividing assets. Hiring a lawyer for a divorce is best to ensure that you are prepared for the fight ahead and that you can get the best possible outcome. In addition, you will need the right type of lawyer to represent you. Family or Divorce lawyers can help you divide assets or custody of a child. They will also help you navigate things such as alimony and child support.

You are buying a home

Before you buy a home, consider hiring a lawyer to give your contract a review. Sometimes sellers or banks will try to slip in a clause or section that may make you pay more or be liable for something faulty. A lawyer can look over the document and make sure you are not being tied to anything extra than what was agreed on. If you are buying a home for the first time, we strongly recommend this. Your lawyer will be paid to get you the best contract possible. Anytime large loans such as a house loan are involved, it’s good to consider hiring a lawyer

Starting a Business

If you are starting a new business or new to starting a business you should try hiring a lawyer from the beginning. They can help set you up with an Employment Identification Number, trademark your name and logo, and help you decide your business entity. You can also have them write and propose contract details. If you are a growing business with patents, it can be extremely beneficial as you make sure all of your operations are legal as you expand. It’s more about protecting your business than worrying about criminal charges.

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  1. […] Hiring a lawyer to write a will for you is beneficial to you because it takes some of the stress of writing a will out of the process. With a lawyer, your assets can be divided in a clear and concise way. I’d also like to issue a word of caution. After the death of a loved one, emotions can be riled and families can tear themselves apart fighting over a will. Going through this process with a lawyer can make certain that possessions of yours are delivered to the right hand. […]


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