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7 Ways to Be a Better Dog Owner

7 Ways to Be a Better Dog Owner

Being a dog owner is awesome. Building a connection with your dog and learning how to care for them is a journey. While we may know some basic ways to meet our dog’s needs, there are many ways to become a better dog owner. Our furry friends are our family, and why wouldn’t we want to try and be better? Here are some quick tips to step up your game as a dog owner.

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Have all your dog’s vaccination forms

One of the best ways to become a better dog owner is to have all of your dog’s vaccination forms. Having the papers for vaccinations and when your dogs have been fixed or neutered helps you be a better pet owner. This is especially true if you adopt or buy a new dog. Why? It means that every time you go to the vet clinic they have that information on hand, and they can make informed decisions about your dog’s health. Not only does it protect your dog, but it protects you as well. Having all documentation leads to better decision-making about your dog’s health. It also helps you be a better dog owner even if you have to give up your pet. You ensure that the next owner will have a clear understanding of your dog’s health.

Schedule some playtime

This is directed at those who become a dog owner in college or when they have a busy career or social life. Oftentimes, younger dog owners who have busy or spontaneous schedules, tend to forget dogs need exercise. That doesn’t always mean you need to take them outside to get active (although that is good). Instead, get your dog some new toys and chewable play toys. That way, even if you have to stay inside all day, your dog can still be active. Even something as simple as tug of war can be a lot of fun for your pet.

Buy them a nice bed

A great bed can do wonders for a human’s sleep. The same holds true for dogs. You can be a better dog owner by buying your furry friend a new dog bed. Some owners think buying a bigger dog bed means that it’s better, but that’s not always the case. Instead, try to find a dog bed that is very soft and fits the body of your dog. Try some of these budget-friendly options:

Have regular check-ups

One of the cornerstones of being a better dog owner is having regular vet check-ups. Some illnesses in dogs can go undetected. In addition, it’s also good to have regular check-ups for things like ticks and fleas. Doing this, however, can get expensive. We suggest investing in pet insurance should an emergency arise. You won’t have to foot the whole bill of your vet trip every time. This will make you less hesitant to check in with your veterinarian should something seem wrong about your pet. 

Do some grooming

Even your old cow dog needs some grooming every now and then. Doing some basic grooming makes you a better dog owner by making sure they don’t get infections. You can do some basic grooming by clipping nails and brushing hair. A couple of times a year, though, you can get your dog professionally groomed. Also, regularly clean your dog’s teeth. Dog’s teeth decay over time, and without proper brushing, they can hurt your furry friend.

Have dog dates

Although your canine companion may absolutely love being around you, you’ll still want to bring them around other dogs. Not only will this help them socialize, but dogs are happier when they have a friend. An added bonus is that dogs usually tire themselves out when they play together. Be a better dog owner by giving your dog another friend. 

Invest in some training

Last, but certainly not least, invest in some training for you and your dog. Training helps your dog understand your commands, and helps you be a better dog owner by giving clear commands. You can usually sign up for classes at your local pet store or start training on your own using YouTube videos. Training is about instilling trust not about instilling fear. Keep that in mind when looking for a dog training program.

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