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How To Start Meditation For The First Time: Tips and Tricks

How To Start Meditation For The First Time: Tips and Tricks

Want to know how to start meditation for the first time and need help? Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and build self-confidence. It helps you focus on what’s important and stay on track to reach your goals. Yet, if you’re starting for the first time it can feel as if you’re doing everything wrong. The truth is, it takes a little time to get used to meditation. Set yourself up for success with these tips and tricks when you start meditation for the first time. 

  1. Identify why you want to meditate
  2. Find a quiet place and schedule time for meditation
  3. Download a meditation app or search out guides
  4. Start small and build
  5. Don’t focus on trying to be perfect

Identify why you want to meditate

As mentioned above there are many reasons why someone would want to start meditation. Not only can it help you relieve stress, but also make you more aware of your thoughts and desires. Meditation is a form of self-care that can help you relax and calm your thoughts. Before you start to meditate ask yourself questions like:

  • Do I want to just relax and not think about anything?
  • Am I trying to relieve stress?
  • Am I anxious and want to stop feeling nervous?
  • Do I want to feel in control of my thoughts?

Many types of meditation can focus on your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. If you want to know how to start meditation for the first time, set yourself up for success by being specific about what you want to achieve.

Find a quiet place and schedule time for meditation

No matter the type of meditation you do, you are most likely going to need a quiet space when first starting out. When you meditate, you observe thoughts as they come and go. Oftentimes, you’ll feel very relaxed during a session, both physically and mentally. The last thing you want to happen when just starting out is to be interrupted. 

To be successful at meditation you need to schedule a time and place. Most people choose the early morning hours or right before they go to bed. The reason is that meditation helps you start the day with a clear head. Because meditation is so relaxing, many people opt to meditate before going to bed. It clears your mind of worries and anxieties allowing you to slip into a restful sleep without the cares of the day. Schedule your time and place so you can prioritize and maximize the effectiveness of your meditation.

Download a meditation app or search out guides

Meditation is simple. You just sit or lie down, listen to your thoughts, and relax, right? Well kinda, but there’s more to it than that. Most people who want to know how to meditate for the first time use a guided meditation app. These apps help you block out the noise of the world and your own thoughts. They can be visual apps or function like a podcast. There are many apps to choose from ranging from free to a subscription type service. Some common meditation apps are:

These apps and guides will help you on your meditation journey. Most of these apps allow you a free trial or a subscription service for just a couple of bucks. Try them out and see how they help you manage stress

Don’t want to pay for an app? No problem! There are hundreds of free podcasts on meditation!

Start small and build

While some people can meditate for well over an hour, most people can’t commit to that time frame. In fact, trying to meditate for hours is only going to set yourself up for failure. Set a much more reasonable timeframe of about 10 minutes. This will help you fit meditation into your busy schedule and help you decompress in a short time frame. As time goes on, you can build up to longer sessions of meditation. Consistency will help you build your habit more than anything else!

Don’t focus on trying to be perfect

Sometimes, people are focused on the wrong things when it comes to learning how to meditate. They worry about the positions, music, or whether they should lay down or sit. The important thing to remember is to start! It doesn’t have to be perfect, just start meditating and you’ll find what works best for you.

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