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Getting Paid Just Got Easier

Getting Paid Just Got Easier

SaleQuick has developed software to make the payment process easy, intuitive, and helpful for small businesses looking for an all-in-one payment solution.

When it comes to running a small business there are a million things to do. From securing funding to developing a marketing plan for your business you are always busy and always trying to improve your services. The last thing you want to happen is finally landing a customer only for your payment process to malfunction. If you’ve spent any time running a small business, you realize just how complicated payment processing and invoicing can become without the right tools. You know that you can easily spend hours trying to correct your books when something goes wrong. Not to mention, this can easily frustrate potential customers.

 It doesn’t have to be this way though. SaleQuick is revolutionizing what companies expect out of payment software. They aim to help small businesses solve their payment service woes without sacrificing time or charging hidden fees. Here’s how they plan to do it. 

Simplifying Problems

Third-generation business owner, Andrew Milstead, is familiar with many of the problems small businesses face and wanted to find a way to help solve the complex nature of payment processing. As Andrew says, “I’ve grown up around small businesses and understand that many companies may try to nickel and dime people just to fully implement a payment service. Oftentimes, they must use multiple services to invoice, make credit card payments, and more.”

With SaleQuick that’s a problem of the past, as Andrew put it, “We solve the complexity of payment processing. We take all forms of payments and accepting payments and combine them into one service. Most companies that find out about services are using 3 different programs to complete a simple transaction and record the process. We simplify that into one process.” SaleQuick is an all-in-one software solution for your payment needs.

SaleQuick offers:

• Credit & Debit Card Processing

• Mobile Payment Processing

• Invoicing

• Text To Pay

• Recurring Payments

• Gateway/Virtual Terminal

• Website API

• Pax A920

SaleQuick doesn’t do long-term contracts because they believe that they should give customers the ultimate freedom to choose what’s best for them. There are no hidden or PCI compliance fees. “Our payment processing is designed for small businesses and offering a full solution. We built this software with small business owners in mind. It’s simple, PCI compliant, and provides end-to-end encryption,” says Andrew.

 And SaleQuick means it. They’ve designed their software not only to be easily set up in minutes but also to help protect companies and make life easier. From the ground up, Andrew and the crew want to empower business owners while on the job site. “We work a lot with service-based businesses. One of the best benefits we can offer them is Text to Pay. This means when you go out to a job, you can complete the transaction right from your phone, and it’s all encrypted. If you have repeat customers, the next time they use your service they just have to click “Approve” and you automatically get paid. This is also a great way to implement contactless payments.”

 Even so, most business owners have taken years to get used to a system and it can be hard to see the benefits of trying something new. SaleQuick’s software, however, does more than that. It’s also built to help protect companies. As Andrew noted, “When a company takes payment over a phone call, that’s actually not secure. For both the customer and the company. A lot of credit cards are stolen that way. With Text to Pay it saves everything about that phone and our software will actually flag payments that could be a possible scam. In a real-world application, our software helped protect automotive shops from being scammed when people would call to order tires and have them shipped somewhere. Our system ended up flagging those potential scams as their IP address could be traced.”

 Don’t settle for a payment service that’s mediocre. 

Local Company, Exceptional Service

 Businesses of all sizes eventually run into a problem with their payment solution. Either a new feature has a bug or there is human error involved or something just doesn’t work. When that happens someone actually has to call the payment processing company to resolve this issue. Oftentimes, businesses report having to wait hours on the phone and they have to talk with someone who doesn’t even live in the United States.

 SaleQuick, on the other hand, doesn’t operate that way. All of their customer service reps are located in-house. Andrew has hired incredible staff to oversee this. He also mentioned, “We brought in an exceptional team with people like Darla, who has over 20 years of experience in the payment processing industry. She currently leads the sales process and customer support service. You can expect only the best when it comes to our customer service. All our dedicated service representatives are in-house. Your call isn’t being farmed out to someone else 3,000 miles away. You’re talking with someone who may be 20 minutes away from your business.”

If you call about an issue, you can easily reach the support staff within a couple of minutes. This support staff is your neighbors, family, and friends. This support staff and willingness to be there for their customers has helped SaleQuick grow even despite the pandemic. It’s why SaleQuick has a 5-star rating on the Apple Store and why they continue to grow.

 Looking Towards the Horizons

 SaleQuick is looking to expand soon, offering its tools to small businesses everywhere. As Andrew put it, “We are local, but we are going nationwide and planning to go globally soon. However, even with the growth, we want to bring jobs to the Conroe area. We want to be a force for good in this community that has helped us so much.”

 As SaleQuick grows they are always looking for ways to improve upon their service. More importantly, they are staying true to their roots. Helping small businesses simplify their payment process and being there for their fellow neighbors and friends. From hiring locals to improving the software experience, SaleQuick is more than just a software company. It’s about helping people save time and get back to doing what they love.

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