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How to Increase Traffic to Your Website

How to Increase Traffic to Your Website

Have you ever wondered how increase your website traffic? Having an effective and responsive website is where many businesses start in their digital marketing strategy. A powerful website can inform customers about your company and host an online store for your products and services. But your company website is only as successful as how much traffic is generated from other channels. An increase in page views and unique viewers means there are more chances for your website to increase conversions, effectively increasing your return on investment. 

However, it is not enough to simply drive more people to visit your website. What business owners need to focus on is gaining the attention of the right audience that is more likely to become repeat customers. This requires understanding the proper channels to best reach your preferred audience where they are. Customers are more likely to engage with your website when they feel like they gain information or a relationship from the content you produce.

Directing people to engage with your website is a daunting task for many online marketers. It can seem especially difficult for small businesses with a limited budget that want to attract awareness through their content. Luckily there are several ways to increase website traffic using paid and organic channels that work for businesses of every size. Here are just 7 ways to increase traffic to your website:

Learn from research and analytics

The first step to increasing website traffic is to analyze existing data on your customer base and your website. Existing analytics is the jumping-off point to form an optimized digital marketing strategy. Marketing research and surveys from potential and current customers can reveal important information about their purchase habits and preferred channels. 

There are also third-party resources available for businesses to analyze what content is most effective at increasing website traffic. Google Analytics presents information such as user demographics and where users are finding your website. SEO tools such as Semrush and Ahrefs provide data on what terms are searched and what pages are visited by potential visitors.

Optimize your website with SEO keywords

With the large amount of digital content being published every day, it’s all the more important to have your content optimized for search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the prime way of organically increasing website traffic by utilizing keywords and user-friendly design. Choosing keywords with a low difficulty relative to their search volume will bring web pages higher in search engine results, making potential customers more likely to visit. Long-tail keywords with less search volume that are more specific are easier to competitively rank for than broader keywords. SEO can also be utilized on your website by including keywords in meta descriptions and alt text in images. Go to this website and check out their services.

Build backlinks

Backlinks are links from other web pages that redirect visitors to your website and are a helpful tool in SEO strategy. Search engines value content from trusted resources on a particular subject. Moreover, backlinks are key in establishing authority and demonstrating credibility for your business to have your website rank higher in search results. The most foundational backlinking strategy is to publish content on your website that is easily shared and linked by reputable audiences and publications. Links on external websites can also drive referral traffic back to your website in addition to organic traffic. 

Update business listings

Business listings or business directories are digital resources for searchers to discover businesses that serve their needs in their communities. While dozens of directories serve similar purposes, one of the most important for all businesses to be aware of is Google My Business (GMB). GMB results also appear in searches on Google Maps, ensuring customers can find services closest to them. Claiming a listing on a business directory means you are in control of editing listed information and can respond to user reviews. On any business directory, fill out as much updated information and media as possible to establish credibility and increase website traffic. 

Publish blog content

Maintaining a blog on your business website is an effective content marketing strategy to bring awareness and credibility to your business. Written media like blog posts are common ways to incorporate SEO-optimized content into your website. Blogs allow businesses to establish an online voice and provide reliable information to potential customers looking for solutions. 

Like visual media and your website, blog posts should be mobile-friendly for readers to easily consume content on their phones. Listicles are a popular way to structure short-form blog posts to engage readers and simplify extensive topics. It’s also important to incorporate relevant media to break up text and further inform readers. 

Create interactive marketing tools

Besides creating visual or written content, a unique way to engage users on your website is to create an interactive tool. Interactive tools provide users with personalized information and experiences without going into a store or talking to a representative. It’s also a creative way to inform customers about individual products that best suit their needs. 

One leading example of an interactive tool is creating an online quiz. Users input information about their needs and your business is able to provide them with possible product solutions. Quiz takers are also likely to share their results on social media or by word of mouth. This means your business gains more unique eyes on your pages. 

Generate brand awareness on social media

Our last tip to increase website traffic for your business is to promote website content organically on social media. Presumably, your business does not need a presence on every social media app. So, consult market research to determine what channels are most vital to generate conversions. But don’t let your social media presence become all about selling to customers. 

Social media users want to be entertained and informed before they want to be advertised. Create content that users want to engage with and want to share with their social circle. Using relevant and localized hashtags increases the reach of your content and meets potential customers where they are. 

Do you need help implementing these strategies to optimize your online presence so you can focus on other aspects of your business? Dock Line has a team of experts ready and equipped to help you with a full range of digital marketing services to help drive traffic to your website. We specialize in and are passionate about helping you navigate the online sphere to grow your business. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your business. 

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