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Chairman Bryan Christ Launches Election Integrity Initiative

Chairman Bryan Christ Launches Election Integrity Initiative

Chairman Bryan Christ Launches Election Integrity Initiative

At the 2022 Convention of the Republican Party of Texas, I was proud to stand beside my fellow delegates to make Election Integrity a top Legislative Priority.  Protecting our elections is fundamental to remaining a free Republic.  Our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, affirmed this belief, stating that “the ballot is stronger than the bullet.”  

Our Commissioners Court took the first step in proactively protecting our elections by purchasing new voting machines which produce a paper ballot trail.  

This new process will require additional clerks, totaling over 1,000 election personnel for the November 8th General Election.  Our election judges and clerks have the important role of ensuring that the law is followed, and that the voters have an efficient experience. As your Republican Party Chairman, I am authorized to appoint more than 90% of our election personnel, and I take this task very seriously.  That’s why I’m proud to have created Election Integrity Initiative in Montgomery County.  I am teaming up with Party leaders and our Election Officials to recruit an army of Republican Election Personnel.  Together, we will do all we can to promote election integrity throughout Montgomery County!  If you want to join us in this fight and can serve as election personnel, please send me a message at [email protected] 

In closing, I want to publicly thank and show my appreciation to everyone who is joining the Republican Party in the mission.  I’m honored to stand beside you, and all our election personnel, in defending our nation and laws!  

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