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Be Vigilant of PACT Act Scammers

Be Vigilant of PACT Act Scammers

Be Vigilant of PACT Act Scammers

On August 10, The Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022 was signed into law. This bill will help millions of Veterans and their survivors, but scammers are now targeting them for their benefits.

Tips to Avoid PACT Act Scammers

Scammers are taking advantage of new opportunities to commit fraud. There’s been an increase in PACT Act-related phishing (email), vishing (phone), and social media scams targeting Veterans to access their PACT Act benefits or submit claims on their behalf.

Veterans should be cautious of anyone who guarantees a lucrative financial benefit or service. To report suspected fraudulent activity, please contact [email protected] or call (800) 488-8244.

Protect yourself against new scams and scammers with these tips:

• Do not provide personal, benefits, medical, or financial details online or over the phone. Federal agencies will not contact you unless you make a request.

• Do not click on online ads or engage with social media that seem suspicious.

• Check for “https://” at the start of website addresses.

• Enable multi-factor authentication on all accounts.

• Work with Veteran service providers you already know.

• Submit any suspected fraud to ftc.gov.

If you have questions about the Pact Act, other VA or State benefits, contact Montgomery County Veterans Service at 936-539-7842 or via email at [email protected]. Our office is here to assist with filing for your VA benefits.

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