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How To Stay Involved in the 88th Texas Legislative Session

How To Stay Involved in the 88th Texas Legislative Session

From the Montgomery County Republican Chairman: How To Stay Involved in the 88th Texas Legislative Session

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! As we wrap up 2022, we put a bow on what has turned out to be another successful Republican Election cycle here in the State of Texas, and in Montgomery County. I’d like to discuss the immediate future of the Republican Party of Montgomery County, and how you can get involved! We worked hard to maintain GOP control of every Statewide office, and our majorities in both the Texas House, and Texas Senate, but the work is not over, rather, it has just begun. We do not toil to just win elections, we work hard to win elections to govern with conservative principles. Getting our candidates across the finish line and sworn into their office is just the beginning. Once in Austin, it is our job to make our voices heard to the legislature, and the Governor on implementing our political will to our elected representatives. This begins with our Legislative Priorities that were ratified by our delegates at the GOP State Convention this last June.  The Legislative Priorities is a list of the top eight political subjects that we the people of Texas want our conservative leaders to focus on when drafting new laws in the upcoming 88th Texas Legislative Session.  

The 88th Legislative Session begins on January 10th 2023, and will be in session until May 29th. Friday, March 10th is the last day for a bill to be filed, the beginning of the process to make a bill become a law. Our Legislative Priorities are: 1. Election Integrity, 2. To Secure the Border, 3. To Ban Gender Modification of Children in the State of Texas, 4. To Repeal the Obscenity Exemption clause of the Texas Penal Code to stop schools from exposing kids to harmful and pornographic books and materials in schools, 5. To Ban Democratic members of the legislature from becoming Committee Chairs who are responsible for allowing conservative bills to go forward in the legislative process, 6. To Abolish Abortion in the State of Texas, 7. To Defend our Gun Rights, and 8. To Strengthen the God Given Inalienable Right of Parents to pursue Educational Liberty in their children’s education. You can visit the Republican Party of Texas’ website at https://texasgop.org/priorities/ for a more detailed explanation of the Legislative Priorities.

Finally, we must address the question of “How can you get involved?”. We are represented by four members of the Texas House, and three of the Texas Senate. Depending on where you live, your House member is Cecil Bell Jr (HD3), Steve Toth (HD15), or Will Metcalf (HD16), Ernet Bailes (HD18), and in the Senate by Brandon Creighton (SD4), Paul Bettancourt (SD7), or Louis Kolkhorst (SD18). These are the people that are going to be responsible for the bills that are created, make it out of committee, and get voted on and hopefully passed on the floor. THEY WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! In order for the will of the People in Montgomery County to be heard, you must let them know what your will is. They are not mind readers, but it is their job to represent you and your interests. They, and their staff are already hard at work getting things in order to address the political issues that our State faces. Call them, and urge them to consider our Legislative Priorities, and consider any other piece of legislation that you would like to see. Calling them is the easiest thing you can do. If you want to get involved at a deeper level, and can afford to take off work, travel to Austin. Meet with them, and sign up to testify in committee hearings on the bills that you are most passionate about. 

We are very fortunate here in Montgomery County to have such a dedicated and Conservative delegation to represent us in Austin. Our conservative leaders work tirelessly to represent us, and our conservative principles. Make your will known to them.

Texas State House of Representatives:

Cecil Bell Jr. House District 3 – (512) 463-0650, or (281) 259-3700

Steve Toth House District 15 –  (512) 463-0797, or (346) 220-0300

Will Metcalf House District 16 – (512) 463-0726, or (936) 539-0068

Ernest Bailes House District 18 – (512) 463-0570, or (936) 628-6687

Texas State Senate:

Brandon Creighton Senate District 4 – (512) 463-0104, or (281) 292-4128

Paul Bettancourt Senate District 7 – (512) 463-0107, or (713) 464-0282

Louis Kolkhorst Senate District 18 – (512) 463-0107, or (281) 394-5610

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