80 F

Lake Conroe Fishing Report: July 2023

Lake Conroe Fishing Report: July 2023

Lake Conroe Fishing Report: July 2023

Black Bass:  Early morning bass action can be good by fishing boat docks, rocks and grass beds that have appeared in the lake the last few years.  Plastic worms, spinner baits and some top water baits are all good baits to start with.  Once the sun gets up high, I will fish pond dams, road beds and points in 8’-15’ depths using the Carolina rig.  This rig lets you feel the bottom structure better and covers an area much faster with the heavier weight above the 2’ leader.

Crappie:  Some crappie can be caught by fishing minnows and jigs along the pilings under the 1097 Bridge.  Standing timber and brush piles in 12’-20’ depths are other good areas to catch crappie.

White Bass & Hybrid Striped Bass:  These fish can be active during the early morning hours near the two islands on the south end of the lake and most of the main lake humps and points in 15’-25’ depths.  I like to troll pet spoons behind deep diving crank baits to catch and locate these fish.

Catfish: Catfish can be one of the best action fish on the lake at this time of year.  They can be caught by baiting up areas along creek and river channels or under the 1097 Bridge with milo or range cubes and use a dip bait on a sponge hook and fish near the bottom in 15’-25’ depths.


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