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August 2023: From the Managing Editor

August 2023: From the Managing Editor

Once again family vacations and the long dog days of summer are coming to an end since this is the last official month of summer.  The time has returned again for school shopping, lunch packing, attending open houses, schedules and transitioning into those early morning school routines.  Here are just a few of the funny days to celebrate this month.  August 3rd is marked as National Watermelon Day, August 10th is National Lazy Day and our favorite being National Dog Day on August 30th. Even though we are about to close the chapter on another season, minus the lingering hot Texas heat, it is not over yet.  We encourage everyone to take the time to get out and explore our growing community and remember to shop local whenever possible.

Until Next Month,   

Gt2, Bentley & Ellie

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