81.2 F

MISD Fishing Tournament on Sam Rayburn

MISD Fishing Tournament on Sam Rayburn

MISD Fishing  Tournament on Sam Rayburn

It is a cold overcast day with no wind.  We are glad that it is not raining and just barely drizzling.  Today I am the captain for Maverick and Case.  They are on the MISD fishing team.  There are 174 teams competing on Sam Rayburn in the Houston division.

We started out at 6:15 a.m. and ran to a grass flat in the back of a big creek.  Case caught the first fish on a chatter bait.  They kept fishing and caught 6-7 more small ones.  Then both Case and Maverick each caught a keeper on a weightless fluke.  It was time to cull.  They already had their 5 fish limit.  Those fish were in the live well by 7:45 a.m.  A great way to start the day.

We left that spot and went to a different grass flat.  We pulled up and they did not have any bites for 20 minutes.  We were working our way down the grass flat, Maverick had one on the line.  It blew up on the bait.  As soon as it hit the water it exploded, water went everywhere.  That was a bigger fish, so they culled one more.

We moved to another grass flat and Maverick caught 2 more smalls.  He threw those back.

There was a fish in the grass, you could see the fin on its back above the water and it was swimming by.  We did not know if it was a bass.  I told Case to throw the bait in front of its face and the fish attacked and grabbed the bait. Another keeper.

It was time to move down south to Five Fingers.  We rolled up to one point and they immediately caught 6-8 fish in an hour.  Maverick’s dad tracked us on his phone and came by to give us some snacks.  A gap of 2 feet was between our boats. His dad flipped his buzz bait 10 feet away and let it sink and caught a 3 ½ pounder.  Right after that Maverick caught a 3 pounder and lost it at the boat.  That could have been a bigger keeper.

We left and went to the dam.  The guys did not know how to fish the rocks the way I do with an A rig so I abandoned that location.

We moved to random pockets everywhere else on the lake.  Fished different places that we never fished before trying to randomly catch a big one.  They wanted to catch something bigger than the 2 to 2 ¾ pound fish they were catching.  It did not look good to me so we left.

They caught 3 more smalls in the last 10 minutes of the tournament and we were out of time, stopped fishing and we went to the weigh-in.

They caught a lot of fish and had a good time.  The rain held off and they came in ninth place overall.  This left Maverick and Case tied with Tanner and Zane, also on the Montgomery Fishing Team tied for Anger of the Year for the Houston Division.

While the teams were out fishing on the lake, Mr. Hooker was cooking up some chili back at the tent to make Frito pies.  It sure was good after a long day of fishing on the lake.  The chili was great.  Thanks Mr. Hooker.  THROW IT OUT, POP IT IN, FISH ON!!!

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