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January 2024: From the Managing Editor

January 2024: From the Managing Editor

January 2024: From the Managing Editor

For most of us January marks the start of a fresh New Year.  A time to dream big and achieve new goals, but it is also a month with a rich past.  There is no coincidence that January’s name derives from the Roman God Janus, known for having two faces that allowed him to look backward into the past and forward into the future. This makes January the perfect time to learn from our prior experiences while envisioning the year ahead. What a fitting symbol for the first month of the year!  Since January is also considered the coldest month of the year, it is the perfect month to stay inside, put away the holiday décor and look forward to 2024.  Thank you to all of our readers and contributors for allowing me to continue to bring you fun facts and information throughout our community.

Until Next Time,

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