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Derek’s Fishing Adventures: An Epic Adventure

Derek’s Fishing Adventures: An Epic Adventure

Derek’s Fishing Adventures: An Epic Adventure

Parker and I had gone duck hunting on Saturday, and we also wanted to go fishing.  We wanted to go somewhere close, so we decided to go to Fayette and Parker’s dog, Cruz also came along.

We arrived there about 12:30 p.m. and scanned around for about an hour casting on a couple of spots and had no luck.  Finally, we checked one place we had caught them in the past, but we didn’t see much on the side imaging.  However, we did see a lot of fish on the active target, so we decided to fish it.  We started casting around until we hooked one.  Once we caught one, we pressed the spot lock on the trolling motor and we casted exactly where we caught the first one.  We did this over and over and ended up catching another 30-40 fish.  There were so many fish in that honey hole they were fighting over the bait.  Parker even caught 2 on one lure. Our biggest 5 weighed 25 pounds.  They eventually stopped biting after that epic moment.

We left and fished around other places, but didn’t catch anything. 

After letting them rest a little bit, we went back to the same spot and caught 40 more fish the second time.  Our biggest 5 weighed even more this time at 33 pounds.  The sun was setting, and it was the end of an EPIC FISHING DAY!

We stayed to watch the sunset and it was one of the best I’ve ever seen.  THROW IT OUT, POP IT IN, FISH ON!!!

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