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Veterans Services: Mail Delays Addressed

Veterans Services: Mail Delays Addressed

The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) is changing some of its rules as a result of slow mail service for DVA correspondence.

The agency said that because of mailing delays caused by staffing and supply shortages with a private vendor, it will be extending the time limits some veterans have to reply or take action to an official notification regarding benefits applications or decisions.

According to the DVA, veterans will not be penalized if they do not respond or react in normal time limits to certain notifications, such as making an election of benefits, reporting to a scheduled compensation examination or notifying the VA of any changes to their situation. 

Normally, veterans who do not respond to the VA in a timely manner or attend a scheduled medical examination can see their benefits terminated, in some cases retroactively, causing them to owe large amounts of money to the government.

As a result of the current delays, VA is extending its normal response time limit by 90 days for most veteran’s benefits letters. Any veteran who was mailed an action letter from July 13, 2021, through the end of the year automatically will receive the 90-day extension. 

The VA said the Government Printing Office, which hired the private contractor, is working to address and end the delays.

Any veterans with concerns on their claim can contact the VA directly at 1-800-827-1000 and/or for more information on VA and State Benefits Montgomery County Veterans Service at  936-539-7842 or via email at [email protected]

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