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From the Chairmans Desk: Bryan Christ

From the Chairmans Desk: Bryan Christ

Republican Friends of Montgomery County, 

If we haven’t met, it’s my honor to introduce myself as your Chairman of the Montgomery County Republican Party.  I was elected in March of 2020, and then ran unopposed in March of 2022.  I am writing to you as a continuation of political articles that began with Dr. Walter Wilkerson, affectionately known in our county as Dr. Wally.  We celebrated his life and legacy in May of this year when he went home to meet his Father and be reunited with his dear wife, Neddie Jane.  I followed him as Chairman of the Republican Party, and I am now humbled to follow his path writing articles for Dock Line Magazine regarding conservative issues.

This past weekend, I attended the Republican Party of Texas State Convention as a delegate for our county.  This particular convention takes place every two years and among electing State Party officers, we were able to pass Legislative Priorities which signal what we would like to see made a priority in the next Legislative Session.  The eight priorities were: Protecting our Elections, Abolishing Abortion, Stopping the Sexualization of Texas Kids, Banning Democrat Chair Appointments in the Legislature, Banning Gender Modification of Children, Securing the Border & Protecting Texans, Honoring Parental Rights & Educational Freedom, and Defending our Gun Rights.  I’m looking forward to promoting these eight priorities to our Legislators and throughout Montgomery County.  We must fight for our conservative values to be honored and upheld by our state.  As they say, “so goes Texas, so goes the nation”.

Locally, we are preparing for the Organizational Meeting for our Republican Party, which takes place in July.  During this first meeting we will develop the structure of the Executive Committee.  This process includes crafting bylaws, electing officers, and appointing committee chairs.  This is a tedious process that happens every two years with each new Executive Committee.  The County Executive Committee is made up of each Precinct Chair and the County Chairman, all of which are elected by Republicans on the Primary Ballot.  After redistricting, we have 111 Precincts, each with their own Republican Precinct Chairman. We are always looking for volunteers who can help our Party’s committees. If you have expertise in legal, parliamentary procedure, finance, fundraising, marketing, technology, event planning, or any other specialty, and are willing to donate your services to the Executive Committee, please reach out!  We will also be preparing for the November election.  If you are willing and able to serve as an election judge or clerk, please contact me before the end of July.

I look forward to meeting you all and working with you to protect our liberty and values in Montgomery County, and in Texas.  God bless and God Speed.

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