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From the Chairman’s Desk: The Red Wave is Depending on You!

From the Chairman’s Desk: The Red Wave is Depending on You!

From the Chairman’s Desk: The Red Wave is Depending on You!

The 2022 midterm elections are less than a month away, and all of the bellwethers, polling, and political common sense in the country seem to point to the fact that by January, when the 118th Congress is sworn in, the gavel in both the House and Senate will be in the hands of the GOP. With the advantages of redistricting, as well as a historically unpopular President in the White House, the Republican Party is set to gain a historic number of House seats, and flip control of the US Senate as well. That is of course if Republicans go out and vote!

Voting is more than a right, it is the duty of the citizenry. By going to the polls and casting your vote, you ensure that you and your interests are represented in government. Here in Montgomery County, we are among the fastest growing counties in America, which means that we are a powerful political force. We are one of the reddest counties in America for several election cycles, as well. This fact helped keep Senator Ted Cruz in the US Senate in 2018. When faced with an unprecedented amount of out-of-state money into the Beto campaign for Senate in 2018, Ted Cruz was able to defeat Beto by 2.6 percentage points, and 40% of those votes came from within Montgomery County.

The lesson here is clear: it does not matter if every eligible voter in Montgomery County is a Republican, the only thing that matters at the end of the day is whether or not those Republicans go out and actually vote!

It is irrelevant that the majority of Americans disapprove of President Biden, his reckless handling of the economy, the record high inflation, and the overall direction of the country. What matters is if the people who care about such things VOTE on those top issues. You can hardly find someone that would say things are going well here in the United States. That is why it is imperative that we turn the ship around now! We have a historic opportunity at our doorstep to kick out the leaders that have led to the unmitigated political disaster of the last two years and replace them with Conservatives that will stand up to the Biden Administration’s gross negligence. For the first time, we have an opportunity in Texas to bring the Hispanic Community under the Reagan Big Tent of the Republican Party. The Hispanic Community shares our Conservative Values. We have the responsibility to join together and stop the quick march leftward, and to save our republic!

We cannot do this without your support and your vote! I encourage everyone to vote Republican from the bottom of the ballot up to the top. We must keep Republicans in office from our local elected officials, to our state legislators, to Governor Abbott, and also send Conservative Republicans to Washington to represent us. Montgomery County is in good hands only so long as her people do their duty and vote. It is the honor of my life to serve this county as the Chairman of the Republican Party of Montgomery County. It is such a blessing to have such great neighbors, so let’s roll up our sleeves, get out and vote, and keep our County, our State, and our Country RED! Only then will the Red Wave come.

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