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MLF College Tournament Lake of the Pines 11-12-22

MLF College Tournament Lake of the Pines 11-12-22

MLF College Tournament Lake of the Pines 11-12-22

Today I am fishing at the MLF College Tournament at Lake of the Pines in Jefferson, Texas.  I came down to practice on Thursday, starting at the south end of the lake.  No luck there.  I went up to the north end and finally found some fish. I caught one fish.

Today is Friday, tournament day.  It was an overcast day with lots of clouds building up.  You could see the rain in the distance.  I am boat number 46.  At 7 a.m. the tournament director said a prayer for us and our safety on the lake and then they played the national anthem.  A drone was flying over taking aerial photos.  The rain held off until all 138 teams launched.  When the boats were out of sight, then the rain started.  A cold front is moving in this afternoon along with more rain.

The tournament director called my number.  I ran up north and got to my starting spot, but did not catch a fish till 11:00 a.m.  Knowing the fishing was slow, I fished patiently in the rain and stayed there all day.  Since I fished there yesterday, I knew there were fish there.  I just had to find the right bait they wanted.  The first lure I threw was a hybrid hunter, that did not work.  Next, I tried a swim jig, then a chatter bait.  I could not get those fish to bite, so I pulled out the wacky worm and finally I got a bite.  I caught one, then another and another.  They were all small.  At least I was catching something, I just needed to hook some keepers.  Then finally around 12 noon I caught 2 keepers.  I kept fishing all around making laps in the area back and forth.  Then I caught 2 more on a hybrid hunter.  My last fish was caught 2 hours before weigh-in at 1:00 p.m.  I caught my limit of 5 fish. There was a lot of fish caught today.  I caught approximately 30 fish, but they were not keepers, so I was never able to cull up.  

It was a miserable day raining hard back and forth all day.  When I was driving to the weigh-in it was still raining.  I was completely soaked and the cool front had blown in and I was shivering as I drove.  My total weight was 11-1 with 5 fish.


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