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Emergency Preparedness for Hurricanes and More- Are You Ready?

Emergency Preparedness for Hurricanes and More- Are You Ready?

Emergency Preparedness for Hurricanes and More- Are You Ready?

It’s that time of year again. Hurricane Season is from June 1 to November 30; begin your preparations TODAY, before June 1, so you are ready before the worst happens. Know how to interpret forecasts and alerts.  Learn what your risks are and what to do before during and after a storm strikes. 

But, disasters aren’t limited to Hurricanes and Storms. A disaster can be widespread, local or personal; it can be natural or man-made (when people do something on purpose or accidentally that causes harm to others).

Widespread natural disasters include severe storms, tornadoes, wildfires, and flooding; man-made disasters include acts of terrorism, pandemics, war, cyberattacks, and supply chain disruptions.  Local disasters include crime, civil disorder, rail accidents, chemical leaks/explosions, and power outages.  Personal emergencies include accidents, loss of income, catastrophic illnesses, and home fires. 

Disasters can happen suddenly anywhere and at any time. This is why it important to stay prepared at all times. If you are prepared for a hurricane, you are prepared for any disaster that may impact you and your family’s life.

Below are basic steps to take to become more prepared for hurricanes and any disaster or emergency. If you need help with your emergency preparedness, plan to attend the East 1488 Emergency Preparedness Fair on May 20.

Make a Plan

Whether the emergency is a personal one such as a house fire or an area-wide disaster like a hurricane, a family emergency plan is important to help you locate family members and communicate with them.  Include all emergency contacts and where you will meet if you are separated.  Include where you will go if you must evacuate.  Give family members and in town and out-of-town emergency contacts a copy and periodically review the plan with them.

Get a Kit

Build a kit with 3-7 days of non-perishable food, water (1 gallon per person per day) and other essential supplies.  Place the items in a covered, waterproof container or backpack in case you must evacuate.  Store it in a convenient, cool location and replace or rotate items periodically as needed.  Include important documents in a waterproof container.  Supplies in a basic kit might include the following:  food, water, medications, first aid items, bedding, clothing, flashlight, NOAA radio, extra batteries, cell phone with charger, wrenches to turn off utilities, manual can opener, cash (in small bills), personal hygiene items, wipes, masks, hand sanitizer, whistle, sleeping bag, plastic sheeting, duct tape, garbage bags, emergency plan, contact information, map, pencil and paper, and unique items for family members with special needs, etc.

Stay informed

Before, during and after a storm, track weather and storms on the National Hurricane Center – NHC (https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/) and National Weather Service – NWS (https://www.weather.gov/) websites.  Local sources of information include local news outlets, radio stations (KSTAR 99.7 FM and KTRH 740 AM) – Emergency Alert System) and the Montgomery County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (https://ohsem-moco.hub.arcgis.com/).


Register with ALERT MCTX

(https://www.mc911.org/page/ecd.alertmctx) to receive notification via telephone calls, text messages, and/or emails in the event of an emergency.  And sign up with Smart 911 (https://www.mc911.org/page/ecd.smart911).

When you receive a notification, be sure to listen to the entire message and carefully follow the instructions. For individuals with special needs who require medical or transportation assistance during an emergency, dial 211 now to pre-register with STEAR (State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry). Enter ICE (In Case of Emergency) contacts in your cell phone.

Get Involved

Find opportunities to support community preparedness. Consider taking CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) classes.  CERT courses train people in basic disaster response skills, such as fire suppression, search and rescue and medical operations. It helps residents by providing skills that allow them to assist others when emergency services are not available.  For information about CERT classes in the East 1488 area, visit the East 1488 CERT website (e1488cert.org).  To learn about CERT classes in other areas visit


Saturday, May 20, 2023 9am – 1pm
Home Depot Parking Lot
6119 FM 1488 (off Egypt Lane, East of Hwy 2978)
FREE to the Public


  • What to do NOW to be prepared
  • Where to tune for local emergency information
  • Family Emergency Plan 
  • Generators
  • First Aid
  • Search and Rescue
  • Evacuation vs Sheltering-in Place
  • 72-hour kits
  • Community Emergency Response
    Team (CERT) Training


  • Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office
  • Montgomery County Crime Stoppers 
  • Montgomery County Hospital District
  • Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES)
  • Montgomery County Search and Rescue
  • Magnolia Volunteer Fire Department
  • Medical Reserve Corps
  • Montgomery County Emergency Communication District
  • Emergency Medical Services

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