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May 2023: From the Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman

May 2023: From the Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman

May 2023: From the Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman

When you think about the most sacrosanct aspect of our Republic, it is the right of the citizen to make their voice known in the ballot box. In Texas, both the Democrat and Republican parties hold a primary election every two years. During this process, candidates run their various campaigns and slug it out before the voters to prove why they’re the best candidate to square off against the other party. Unfortunately, there are fringe elements in both parties that look down on the ordinary voter. They believe that you and I are too uninformed, or worse, too dim to be entrusted with a vote. These group want to take away your vote and select candidates in “smoke filled” rooms. Whether by legislation or judicial activism, this is their goal. I am convinced that this is both antithetical to democracy and incredibly unpatriotic. As a result, this week I traveled to Austin to testify before the House Committee on a bill that would dramatically curb these attempts to take your vote away. There is already a healthy distrust among the electorate in the voting process and these kinds of actions do nothing more than amplify the skepticism. Beginning in October, candidates will be able to start filing to run for office with their Party. As the Chairman of the Republican Party in my county, I am committed to ensure that every member of the Republican Party has a voice in the selection of their candidates. I know that my fellow County Chairs across the State of Texas are committed to the same.

God Bless Texas and God Bless America

MCRP Chairman, Bryan Christ

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