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Divisions of SJRA: Groundwater Reduction Plan

Divisions of SJRA: Groundwater Reduction Plan

Divisions of SJRA: Groundwater Reduction Plan

Located at the Lake Conroe Dam, the Groundwater Reduction Plan Division (GRP) is one of many GRPs in the region that is responsible for implementing a countywide program to substantially reduce future groundwater usage from the Gulf Coast Aquifer by ensuring a reliable, long-term diversified portfolio of alternative water supply sources for all of Montgomery County.

SJRA’s GRP Division utilizes a number of alternative water strategies, including conservation, reuse of treated wastewater effluent, groundwater from aquifers, as well as surface water from Lake Conroe.  Since 2016, SJRA’s GRP strategy has been the design, construction, operation, maintenance, and administration of a water treatment plant and transmission lines that treat surface water from Lake Conroe to meet or exceed drinking water standards, and then deliver it to cities and utilities within Montgomery County in the most cost-effective manner.

For those interested in touring SJRA’s GRP Division, please visit www.sjra.net/tours/. For those unable to do an in-person tour, SJRA has a virtual tour (storymap). Please visit www.sjra.net/grp/treatment-plant/ to view the storymap.


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