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15 Things to Do With Your Husband Instead of Watching TV

15 Things to Do With Your Husband Instead of Watching TV

We’ve all been there. You’re sitting at home, scrolling through Netflix looking for yet another show to watch. You’ve been scrolling for about thirty minutes now and you can’t decide. Eventually, you select one of your old favorites and have it play in the background as you and your loved one look down at your phones engrossed in your own little world. Are you tired of repeating this? Maybe you find that all of your days are starting to run together, and you aren’t finding time with your husband that fulfilling. 

Don’t worry though! There is an entire world of things to do with your husband instead of watching TV! You don’t have to spend money, and you don’t have to leave your house if you don’t want to. If you and your spouse are looking to make a change, then consider these things to do with your husband instead of watching TV.

  1. Get active
  2. Play games and create stories
  3. Start a hobby or project together
  4. Volunteer your time
  5. Organize your house
  6. Start a side hustle together
  7. Work on a bucket list
  8. Go to live events
  9. Get involved in your community politics
  10. Learn skills together
  11. Go out with friends
  12. Listen to music and sit out on your front porch
  13. Start writing the history of your family
  14. Work on your relationship skills
  15. Plan day trips to nearby towns

Get active

One of the most rewarding things to do with your husband instead of watching TV is to get physically active. This could mean long walks around the block, bicycling downtown, taking a dance class, or even getting competitive with each other with some good old-fashioned racketball. You can do these activities just by yourselves or you can join a workout group to find a community. This can be a great way to meet a couple of friends and get to know your city more. Not to mention all the health benefits! Consider trying some coed sports together!  

Play games and create stories

A board game can turn any night into a fun time, especially if alcohol is involved. You can play cards, design a scavenger hunt for your home, or try playing some Co-op video games. This can be a great way to get to know your partner better and understand how you work together. If you really want to take game night to the next level, consider some tabletop games or roleplaying games like D&D. This can be a great way to get friends together and make hilarious memories while you craft characters and create stories to play throughout your campaign.

Start a hobby or project together

Another thing to do with your husband instead of watching TV is to start learning a new hobby together or finishing a project together. This can be anything from pottery to retiling that bathroom floor. Get creative with your projects or hobbies even if you don’t plan on keeping the items. You can always give away items to friends and family! This may allow your significant other to showcase their more artistic side in a way that feels more comfortable.

Volunteer your time

Want to put your free time to good use? Want to make a positive impact on your community? Then you should volunteer with an organization that can help make a difference. There are literally thousands of organizations across the country that use volunteers to achieve charitable works. You also don’t have to limit yourself to charity. You can volunteer your time with political groups, veterinarian services, big brother/big sister programs and so much more. If your budget is a little tight, you can still make a difference without ever giving a cent.

Organize your house

While this may not be at the top of your list for fun things to do, it can still help bring you and your husband closer together. Try redesigning a space together, or improving your kitchen organization. Couples that can get through reorganizing a garage together can get through anything. 

Start a side hustle together

One of the most beneficial things to with your husband instead of watch TV is to invest in a side hustle. Starting a side hustle with your significant other can help you both stay on track for your goals. Whether you want to save money to buy a house or quit your jobs entirely, having a side hustle can totally be worth it. For some side hustles, you can start with no money!

Work on a bucket list

It’s always good to take a moment in life and press pause. You can think about all the things you have accomplished, and what you want to accomplish next. Writing down a bucket list with your significant other helps you both reorient your goals. It can also be a great way to help you more intimately understand each other. 

Go to live events

COVID-19 won’t last forever (we hope), and we’ll be able to enjoy live events again. Going to live events, whether it be music, comedy shows, or plays are always a great way to break your routine and do things with your husband instead of watching TV. Live events also provide you with ample opportunities to make memories! If you really want to create special moments between just the two of you then start going to more live events together this summer.

Get involved in your community politics

We’ve mentioned political volunteering already. However, there are many ways to get involved during your evenings. You can attend city council meetings, run for local office, raise awareness about a subject, and so much more. Getting involved can mean that you have a significant impact on your community for the better!

Learn skills together

Learning together provides you and your spouse with the incentive and accountability to learn a new skill. Think you can’t benefit from learning something with your partner? How many couples do you know that would benefit from taking a budget 101 class? You don’t need to limit yourself on what you can learn. With the rise of online courses, almost everything is within reach.

Go out with friends

Probably the most obvious answer to things you can do with your husband instead of watching TV, hanging out with friends can be all you need to break up the monotony of life. Try heading to the local bar or tavern to have some drinks and catch up with some of your favorite couples.

Listen to music and sit out on your front porch

You don’t need an excuse to enjoy the weather and listen to good music! Instead of staying inside every day once you get home, why not get some fresh air? It’s healthier for you and can give you some time to just talk and relax with each other. Light a candle for extra ambiance, cue up a favorite playlist, and enjoy the cool night air!

Start writing the history of your family

Ever wonder what secrets your family may hold? Now you can know with ancestry tests and cataloging software that can help you trace your lineage. This can serve two purposes. First, you find out how you and your partner came to be. You’ll realize just how fragile your existence is. Second, this will help you explain to your kids their lineage as well. You can help them understand their family history and why it matters.

Work on your relationship skills

If you are looking for things to do with your husband instead of watching TV and want to become a stronger couple, you should work on your relationship skills. Try reading through books focused on marriage, or working through couple exercises for communication and stress management. You’ll be surprised how good your relationship can become when you take time to work on it!

Plan day trips to nearby towns

Lastly, it’s always good to get away. If you are looking to break up the monotony of your weekends then you need to go exploring! Try planning day trips to nearby towns and parks. Get out of your comfort zone and try new activities. Just don’t forget to record them!

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