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9 Fun Back to School Traditions You’ll Love

9 Fun Back to School Traditions You’ll Love

9 Fun Back to School Traditions You’ll Love

Can you believe it is already time for back to school? After a long summer full of fun activities, now is the time to get your kids ready for learning. Most kids are not going to look forward to going back to school, let alone planning and shopping for weeks beforehand. But parents can make this next year special by beginning new back to school traditions for the family. These traditions will have kids excited to go back to school and will form fun memories. Here are nine fun back to school traditions that parents and kids will love:

  • Count down the days
  • Personalize school supplies
  • Buy a new school shirt
  • Decorate your car
  • Take a first-day picture
  • Eat a full breakfast
  • Give a gift to a teacher
  • Letter in their lunchbox
  • Fill out a first-day worksheet


Count down the days

Count down to the first day of school to get your kids anticipating the big day. There are plenty of creative ways to DIY a back to school countdown from constructing signs to giving them small presents every day. Instead of dreading school, kids will have a reason to have a positive attitude about school. 

Personalize school supplies

School supplies can either be run-of-the-mill or something kids will actually want to use. Nowadays, any product can be ordered personalized from backpacks and lunchboxes to pencils and folders. The best part of printing your kids’ names on their school supplies is that they are less likely to get lost. Designing and crafting your own custom school supplies can become back to school traditions of their own. 

Buy a new school shirt

Kids grow out of their clothing all the time, so why not purchase a new school spirit shirt at the start of each school year? There will always be events for them to wear out their shirts like fundraisers or sports games. This is also a great tradition for college students with lots of school spirit! 

Decorate your car

If you want to show up to school on the first day and make a scene, then the best way to do that is to drive up in style. Even if your kids will take the bus most of the year, driving them to school on the first day will make them feel reassured. The night before, use tools like temporary paint pens, decals, and even streamers and banners to show off your family’s spirit and excitement for school. All the other parents will be jealous that they didn’t think of this tradition first!

Take a first-day picture

One of the most simple but memorable back to school traditions is to take a picture every year on the first day of school. A picture is worth a thousand words, and photos capture your kid’s personality and style best. Parents can also keep track of their kid’s growth by taking pictures in the same location or with a personalized chalk or marquee board.

Eat a full breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially on big occasions like the first day of school. Try making a back to school tradition of preparing a filling delicious breakfast each year. Be sure to include some classic favorites and healthy options like pancakes and fresh fruit. A yummy and nutritious breakfast is sure to boost anyone’s mood and get them ready for the day. 

Give a gift to a teacher

Parents aren’t the only ones getting ready for the new school year. Teachers are also investing their time and money to make sure your kids receive the education they deserve. So pick out a gift for your kids’ teachers to give them on the first day of school. Handmade items from local artists make great unique gifts. Or check out this list of practical teacher-approved gifts here

Letter in their lunchbox

The back to school traditions don’t have to end once the kids leave for the day. When they are asleep or getting ready in the morning, take out a pen and paper to write a handwritten note. Tell them how proud you are of them and to have a great first day. 

Place them in their lunchboxes with some healthy snacks and send them on their way. Kids are sure to appreciate your letter and look forward to it every year after.  

Fill out a first-day worksheet

The last back to school tradition is to have your kids fill out a light-hearted first day of school worksheet. Just like the first-day pictures, worksheets capture your kid’s personality and current interests or favorites. Teachers also love first-day worksheets to get to know their students. Parents can make their own sheets or print out these great all-about-me sheets

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