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October 2022 Magnolia

Digital Magazine

October 2022 MA

Digital Magazine

Featured Articles

7 Habits That Damage Teeth

Dental Bites: 7 Habits That Damage Teeth You may brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly to keep your smile bright and healthy, but do...

Sniffling, Sneezing and Wheezing: Avoiding Those Fall Allergies

Back to Health: Sniffling, Sneezing and Wheezing: Avoiding Those Fall Allergies Air pollution can make allergy symptoms worse. One of the most common pollutants is...

October 2022- From the Managing Editor

October 2022- From the Managing Editor Here we go again, time seems to be flying as fast as the Halloween witches.  October is always a...

Be Bold, Be Brave, Be-YOU-tiful

Be Bold, Be Brave, Be-YOU-tiful The Difference of a Creative Approach Are you looking to make some personal changes, without sacrificing your unique features? Making changes...

VA Chatbot

VA Chatbot Got a question about your VA benefits, health care, eligibility? You might want to check VA’s website www.va.gov, where you can access a...

October 2022 Events

North Shore Republican Women Monthly Meeting When: Wednesday, October 5, 2022 Time: Sign-in begins 10:30 a.m., Meeting at 11:00 a.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m., Program Noon until 1:00...

Turning Lake Conroe Water into Drinking Water

SJRA: Turning Lake Conroe Water into Drinking Water Have you ever wondered how the water in Lake Conroe becomes pristine drinking water for communities in Montgomery...

Raccoons; Clever and Mischievous

Friends of Texas Wildlife: Raccoons; Clever and Mischievous Raccoons are very common throughout Texas and North America, and they are extremely adaptable to different habitats.  In...

Vultures – The Big Uglies!

Fishing Hole Nature: Vultures – The Big Uglies!   Historically called buzzards, the vultures we most often see in our area are either turkey vultures or...

It’s All in Your Head: Allergy Shots vs Drops

It’s All in Your Head: Allergy Shots vs Drops After completing my formal residency training in Otolaryngology (ENT) in 1983 I later completed a fellowship...

7 Habits That Damage Teeth

Dental Bites: 7 Habits That Damage Teeth You may brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly to keep your smile bright and healthy, but do...

Sniffling, Sneezing and Wheezing: Avoiding Those Fall Allergies

Back to Health: Sniffling, Sneezing and Wheezing: Avoiding Those Fall Allergies Air pollution can make allergy symptoms worse. One of the most common pollutants is...

October 2022- From the Managing Editor

October 2022- From the Managing Editor Here we go again, time seems to be flying as fast as the Halloween witches.  October is always a...

Be Bold, Be Brave, Be-YOU-tiful

Be Bold, Be Brave, Be-YOU-tiful The Difference of a Creative Approach Are you looking to make some personal changes, without sacrificing your unique features? Making changes...

VA Chatbot

VA Chatbot Got a question about your VA benefits, health care, eligibility? You might want to check VA’s website www.va.gov, where you can access a...

October 2022 Events

North Shore Republican Women Monthly Meeting When: Wednesday, October 5, 2022 Time: Sign-in begins 10:30 a.m., Meeting at 11:00 a.m. Lunch 11:30 a.m., Program Noon until 1:00...

Turning Lake Conroe Water into Drinking Water

SJRA: Turning Lake Conroe Water into Drinking Water Have you ever wondered how the water in Lake Conroe becomes pristine drinking water for communities in Montgomery...

Raccoons; Clever and Mischievous

Friends of Texas Wildlife: Raccoons; Clever and Mischievous Raccoons are very common throughout Texas and North America, and they are extremely adaptable to different habitats.  In...

Vultures – The Big Uglies!

Fishing Hole Nature: Vultures – The Big Uglies!   Historically called buzzards, the vultures we most often see in our area are either turkey vultures or...

It’s All in Your Head: Allergy Shots vs Drops

It’s All in Your Head: Allergy Shots vs Drops After completing my formal residency training in Otolaryngology (ENT) in 1983 I later completed a fellowship...